Electronics and Telecommunication

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication started in year 1986 along with the inception of the institute.The Department offers B.Tech(Electronics and Telecommunication) and Ph.D. (Electronics and Telecommunication) courses. The laboratories are well equipped with modern experimental and computational facilities. The under-graduate course has been accredited thrice by NBA-AICTE for 2005-2008, 2012-2015 and 2017-2020. The Department has been recognized by the university as the Research Centre in the State for carrying out Ph.D. programme in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
To create globally competent Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Professionals by delivering values based quality education for Excellence in Engineering Research and Innovation.
To create state of the art infrastructure to provide Outcome Based Education, Innovation & Research with Professional and ethical values for holistic development to serve the society.
M1: To create a learning ambience by imparting flexible Outcome Based Curricula for Innovation and Research in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
M2: Provision for the State of the Art Infrastructural facilities for development of Students and Faculties.
M3: To ensure Holistic development and Lifelong learning of Students by Professional and Ethical values to serve the society.
- Knowledge of Basic Science and Engineering: To impart sound technical knowledge and skills in science & mathematics related subjects for solving the challenging problems of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
- Engineering Design and Experimental Skills: To prepare and train the students with practical engineering problem-solving skills for design and development of systems to meet the industrial and societal needs.
- Higher Education and Research: To encourage the students, with appropriate course modules, in preparing for competitive examinations for pursuing higher studies including research in relevant disciplines.
- Professional and Ethical Attitude: To inculcate ability for lifelong self-learning, career enhancement and adapt to evolving environment with professional ethics.
To analyze and evaluate electronic engineering problems of analog and digital circuits, instrumentation and signal processing using the essentials of applied mathematics, Science and engineering expertise.
To demonstrate knowledge and hands-on competence to design, develop and test electronics systems in the areas related to communication systems, hardware and software computer systems, control systems, VLSI systems and power electronics.
To exhibit professional and ethical perspective through innovation, research, multidisciplinary approach, teamwork and effective communication in societal and environmental contexts.
Courses Offered:
i. B. Tech, Electronics and Telecommunication with intake of 60 students.
ii. PhD
Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning
Contributions to teaching and learning are activities that contribute to the improvement of student learning. These activities may include innovations not limited to, use of ICT, instruction delivery, instructional methods, assessment, evaluation and inclusive class rooms that lead to effective, efficient and engaging instruction. Any contributions to teaching and learning should satisfy the following criteria:
- The work must be made available on Institute website.
- The work must be available for peer review and critique.
- The work must be reproducible and developed further by other scholars.
The department/institution may set up appropriate processes for making the contributions available to the public, getting them reviewed and for rewarding. These may typically include statement of clear goals, adequate preparation, use of appropriate methods, significance of results, effective presentation and reflective critique.
Instructional Methods:
Apart from Conventional (Chalk and Board) method, other methods are used by the faculty members to make the students learn and understand the subjects.
- Exclusive seminar halls with Flat panels are available to conduct interactive classes.
- Faculty members deliver course content through effective power point presentations.
- Unit wise Online Test through Quiz in respective subjects are conducted regularly.
- Web based learning with access to online Journals and E books.
- Students are also motivated to pursue various online courses and its certification through NPTEL, EdX, Coursera etc.
Student Projects:
- Problem and Project Based learning is introduced to students from the beginning which enhances the level of understanding and improves Problem Solving Capabilities of the students.
- Mini/Minor Projects are given to second- and third-year students apart from the regular curriculum to motivate them for enhanced group learning and having hands on experience.
- To enhance Practical based Learning students are motivated to participate in National level Technical Competitions such as Smart India Hackathon (Hardware Edition), e-Yantra, National Innovation Techfest etc.
Advanced Tools:
- In every semester in certain software oriented Labs, students are taught in advanced versions of Software’s like Xilinx, MATLAB, PCAAD, Python, Multisim, Proteus etc.
- Students are formed in groups and a faculty mentor is assigned for each group in second year itself.
- Group of mentees also pursue final year project under the guidance of mentor, this improves the quality of projects developed by the students.
- The mentor motivates their respective groups and ensures each and every member of the group excels both in academics and placement.
Student Seminars and Guest Lectures:
- Student Seminars and workshops are conducted which improves their communication and learning skills.
- Guest Lectures are conducted by inviting eminent persons from Industry and Academics.
- Alumni students are invited for technical talk and interact with the students.
- Industrial experts give special lectures and seminars on current topics.
Professional Bodies/Clubs/AICTE Idea Lab:
- The importance of Professional bodies/Clubs/AICTE Idea Lab and their functions are brought to the notice of the students and every student is a member of at least one of the professional bodies or clubs.
- The Professional bodies like IEEE, PAC Club, Innovation Club, Start Up Club, BIT AICTE Idea Lab are active in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
- Entrepreneurship is promoted among the students through various programmes such as Expert Lectures and Workshops under the EDC Cell/ Startup Club of the Institute.
- Students of 2nd and 3rd year having sound technical knowledge are proposed as Student Ambassadors for AICTE Idea Lab by the head of the department.
Student Technical Paper Presentation:
- An annual technical paper presentation is conducted on Engineer’s Day to encourage the Students Organizing and Communication Skills.
Innovative Practices:
- Placement drives and Internships related information is communicated to students through official Google group.
- Video lectures are uploaded by faculty members on You Tube.
- Important Concepts and topics requiring critical thinking of certain subjects are discussed by faculty members through blogs.
Mentor-Mentee Meeting:
- The Mentor and mentees meeting is held at the starting of every semester and the mentees of all the semesters under respective faculty report about their performance in their previous semester and further plans for the upcoming semester.
- Students of junior semesters are benefitted by the experience sharing of their seniors and guidance support by their mentors.
- Every year best 3 projects are selected in “Arduino Uno based Project Competition” and awarded with cash prizes by the department.
Feedback on the Course:
- The students can express their feedback about the subjects on different parameters confidentially through Online Feedback System of the Institute. Students are given opportunity twice for each course.
University Result Analysis:
- University result analysis is carried out for every semester and list of top20 students is displayed on the notice board to encourage competitive spirit amongst the students.