UGC NET qualified Assistant Professor with a demonstrated history of working in Engineering education. Skilled in Optimization and control. Currently working in the field of Radiation Therapy. Serving as an Editorial board member of many International Journals. Along with 7 SCI and Scopus journals published more than 17 papers in International Journals. Published 2 international books and a member of 7 professional bodies. Visited the National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan under the Academic Exchange Programme. Completed more than 11 online certification courses.
Employee ID | 10336 |
Date of Joining | 11-01-2018 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Department | Electronics and Telecommunication |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification | B.E.(Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering), M.E.(Communication Engineering), PhD 2023 | | |
Contact Number | Extension No.: 503, Global Directory No.: 8199 |
Radiation Physics, Optimization & Control
- Dr. Pushpendra Singh, Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Alka Mishra, Dr. Mukesh Dubey “Heat Transfer and Entropy Generation in Vibrational Flow: Newtonian vs. Inelastic Non-Newtonian” Fluid Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan Univ Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 11, pp.2349-2360, Sep-24, ISSN 1735-3572, SCIE.
- Dr. Pushpendra Singh, Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Alka Mishra "Entropy generation in newtonian vs non-newtonian nanofluid flow under vibration" Physica Scripta, IOP Publishing Ltd. Vol. 99, Issue 9, pp. 95016, Aug-24, ISSN 0031-8949 (SCIE).
- Dr. Pushpendra Singh, Dr. Alka Mishra, Dr. Surekha Bhusnur, Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra “Comparative Analysis of Parametric B-Spline and Hermite Cubic Spline Based Methods for Accurate ECG Signal Modeling Journal of Electrocardiology, Churhurchill Livingstone Inc Medical Publishers Vol. 86, pp. 153783, Aug-24, ISSN 0022-0736 SCIE.
- Dr. Pushpendra Singh Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Alka Mishra, Amrit Shende “Exploring heat transfer augmentation and entropy generation in nanofluid flow induced by vibration: Influence of velocity and rheological properties Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Taylor & Francis Inc.Vol. 85, Issue 17, pp.1 to 18, Jul-24, ISSN 1040-7782, SCIE.
- Pushpendra Singh, Alka Mishra, Santosh Kumar Mishra “A comprehensive analysis of the challenges and potential side effects of radiation therapy for palliative cancer treatment Médecine Palliative (ELSEVIER) Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 75-91, Jan. 2024, ISSN1636-6522, DOI: 10.1016/j.medpal.2023.12.002 (SCI).
- Pushpendra Singh, Alka Mishra, Surekha Bhusnur, Santosh Kumar Mishra “Innovative ECG Signal Modeling: Unleashing the Potential of the Parametric Spline Approach for Advancing Global Health Challenge.”s Indian Journal of Technical Education (ISTE) Vol.46, Issue 4, pp.160-165 Dec. 2023, ISSN0971-3034, (UGC-Care)
- P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “A Unified Approach for Optimal Dose Delivery and Trajectory Optimization for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 69, August 2021, 102884. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2021.102884 [SCIE] [Publisher: ELSEVIER]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, R. K. Tamrakar, “Fluence Map Optimization For Prostate Cancer Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Planning Using Iterative Solution Method,” Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering, vol. 26, Issue 4, pp. 201-209, 2020. ISSN 1898-0309. DOI: 10.2478/pjmpe-2020-0024 [ESCI, SCOPUS] [Publisher: SCIENDO]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, R. K. Tamrakar, “Dose-Volume Constraints Based Inverse Treatment Planning For Optimizing the Delivery of Radiation Therapy,” Gedrag & Organisatie Review, vol. 33, Issue 3, pp. 1049-1058, 2020. DOI: 10.37896/GOR33.03/489 [ESCI, SCOPUS]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “Optimal Delivery of Fluence Profile Using Dynamic Multi-Leaf Collimator Leaf Trajectory Optimization”, ECS Transactions, Volume 106, March 2022. [SCOPUS]
P. Singh, O. P. Yadav, Y. Yadav, “ECG signal compression implementation by a new 2-Dimensional Transform Technique,” International Journal of Engineering and Advance Technology, vol. 1, Issue 6, pp. 224-227, 2012. Impact Factor 3.84 [SCOPUS]
P. Singh, O. P. Yadav, Y. Yadav, “ECG Signal Compression Validation by a new Transform Technique,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 1, Issue 4, pp. 07-12, 2012. Impact Factor 3.48 [SCOPUS]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, R, “The Role of Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Malignant Cells,” Practical Radiation Oncology. ISSN: 1879-8500. (Communicated)[SCIE, SCOPUS] [Publisher: ELSEVIER]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “A Generalized Mixed Sensitivity Control Design Framework for Multivariable System,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 354-360, 2019. ISSN: 2349-5162. [UGC Approved]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “A Contemporary approach for an efficient controller design using Optimization Techniques,” International Journal of Advanced Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 403-411, 2018. ISSN: 2249-7455. [UGC Approved]
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, N. Tripathi “An Analytic Framework for the Performance Analysis of a Network Control System Subjected to Communication Constraints,” International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 3652-3656, 2019. ISSN: 2249-7455. DOI:16.10089.IJMTE.2019.V9I4.19.27462 [UGC Approved]
- O. P. Yadav, V. Chandra, P. Singh, “Design and Analysis of an efficient Technique for Compression of ECG Signal,” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, vol. 1, Issue 5, pp. 224-227, 2011. Impact Factor 3.76 [Google Scholar]
O. P. Yadav, V. Chandra, P. Singh, “Wavelet based encoder/decoder for Compression of ECG Signal,” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, vol. 2, Issue 12, pp.1-5, 2011. Impact Factor 3.8 [UGC Approved]
D. Parkhe, P. Singh. “Energy Controlling System for Smart Building Using GSM and SCADA,” Journal of Engineering Computers & Applied Sciences, Volume 4, No.4, pp. 124-128, April 2015. Impact Factor 4.299 [Google Scholar]
R. Shukla, P. Singh, “Design an Elliptical Shaped UWB Antenna Enhanced Bandwidth by Using Notch,” International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 454-456, Feb 2017. ISSN: 2454-132X, Impact Factor 3.166 [Google Scholar]
R. Shukla, P. Singh, “Design and Analysis of a CPW Fed Planar Elliptical Shaped Antenna with Incomplete C-shaped Slot and Minkowski Fractal,” International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1184-1186, Jan 2017. ISSN: 2321-0613, Impact Factor 4.396 [Google Scholar]
D. Verma, P. Singh, “Performance Analysis of Audio Steganography using Modified LSB Technique,” International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 518-520, April 2017. ISSN: 2321-0613, Impact Factor 4.396 [Google Scholar]
D. Verma, P. Singh, “SRWD Technique for Security Enhancement of Audio Steganography,” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 5, Issue 6, pp. 1789-1792, June 2017. ISSN: 2321-9653, Impact Factor 4.5 [Google Scholar]
Pushpendra Singh, D. Bhonsle, K K Saxena, R U Sheikh, A K Sahu, T Rizvi “Wavelet Based Random Noise Removal from Color Images Using Python”, Corresponding Author, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) ISBN/ISSN2473-2001, International (IEEE Xplore).
Dr. Pushpendra Singh, Dr. Alka Mishra, Dr. Surekha Bhusnur, Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra “Parametric B-spline method for synthetic ECG signal generation: An alternative approach to addressing challenges in ECG analysis” AICTE & DSIR Sponsored International Conference On Smart and Innovative Development In Science, Engineering & Technology, Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg, Chhattisgarh ISBN/ISSN 15517616
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “Dynamic multi-leaf collimator Leaf Trajectory Optimization for optimum delivery of fluence map” presented in “International conference on technologies for smart green connected society 2021” at Yamagata University Japan.
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “Markov Based Analytical Approach to Enhance Clinical Decision Making in Radiation Therapy” presented in “International conference on Agriculture Science, Engineering and Management (ICASEM-2021)” at Sanskriti University, Mathura, UP.
P. Singh, “Electrocardiogram signal compression implementation using proposed DCT-II Technique,” presented in International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics Engineering, pp. 35-40, 2012, Pune.
P. Singh, “Implementation based analysis of Electrocardiogram signal compression using Transform technique,” presented in International Conference on Advanced Computer Sciences, Communication and Information Technologies, pp. 39-44, 2012, Pune.
P. Singh, “Design and simulation of a new 2-dimensional Transform technique for Sinus Arrhythmia Patient’s Electrocardiogram Signal Compression,” presented in International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technology, 2012, Bhubaneswar.
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “Optimizing Multi-Therapy Treatment Plans for Cancer Therapy Using Markov Decision Process to Enhance Life Expectancy” presented in “BITCON”2021 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, S. K. Gupta, “Dose Rate and Leaf Trajectory Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy”, presented in “BITCON”2020 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, S. K. Gupta, “Radiation therapy: from history to future prospects” presented in “BITCON”2020 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, S. Tripathi, “Post Radiotherapy Body Toxicity Analysis Using Markov Decision Process” presented in two days national conference on Innovation & Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology on 1-2 April 2016 at Columbia Institute of Engineering and Technology, Raipur.
P. Singh, V. Mathur, S. Verma, V. Kumar, “IOT based Intelligent Gas Leakage detector using Arduino” presented in “BITCON,”20th November 2020 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, “Cognitive Machine to Machine Communication” presented in “All India Conference on Digital Engineering,”21st – 22nd April 2017 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, “Design of EGCRSMPA Antenna for Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Patch Antenna,” presented in All India Conference on Clean & Green Technology, 22-23 April 2016 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.)
P. Singh, “Remote Monitoring and Control of Electric Load Using GSM and SCADA for Efficient Energy Management System” presented in All India Conference on Sustainable Product Development in Electronics Systems, 24th – 25th April 2015 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, “Wireless Information Transfer with Opportunistic Energy Harvesting” presented in All India Conference on Sustainable Product Development in Electronics Systems, 24th – 25th April 2015 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, “Wireless Energy Harvesting through Radio Networks” presented in All India Conference on Intelligent Systems in Signal Processing & Communication Systems, 25th – 26th April 2014 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, “A Contemporary Approach for Heart rate variability analysis using Simulink” presented in All India Conference on Future trends in Green Communication & Networking, 20 – 21st January 2012 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.).
P. Singh, “Energy Approach to improve efficiency of circuit breaker mechanism” presented in All India Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Technology, 6th – 8th February 2009 at CSIT, Durg (C.G.).
- P. Singh, N. K. Sahu, S. Singh,” A Contemporary Approach for ECG Signal Compression” Lambert Academic Publishing Germany, 2015.
- N. K. Sahu, P. Singh,” Human Voice Identification Using Artificial Intelligence” Lambert Academic Publishing Germany, 2015.
Dr. Pushpendra Singh IPR awareness and skill development with special reference to Patents and Start-Ups NIT, Mizoram, Online mode, Duration 5 days.
- Participated in National Webinar on “New Education Policy 2020: Way Ahead and Research Funding” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad on 10.06.2021.
- Participated in 3-days International faculty development program on “New Paradigm of Next Generation Electronics and the Future Trends in Electronics system” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad from 19th to 21st January 2021.
- Participated in ATAL-FDP on “ Novel Materials” Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus-Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions from 02nd to 06th November 2020.
- Participated in national webinar on awareness on “IPR for Technical Innovations” organized by Department of Computer Applications, Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg on 29th October 2020.
- Participated in FDP on “ Outcome Based Engineering Education and Accerediation” organized by National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya under TEQIP-III from 21st to 23rd September 2020.
- Participated in webinar on “ Machine Learning and Information Security” organized by Department of Computer Application, Radha Govind University, Jharkhand on 18th July 2020.
- Participated in webinar on “Recent trends in Microstrip Antenna technology” organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Paavai Engineering Collegeon Namakkal,TN in association with ISTE Society on 15th July 2020.
- Participated in webinar on “Information and Communication Technology Future and Education” organised by Chhattisgarh Engineering College Durg on 11th July 2020 under TEQIP-III.
- Participated in webinar on “Employability and Its Prospective” organised by Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Christian College of Engineering & Technologyon, Bhilai, C.G. on 11th July 2020.
- Participated in faculty development program on “Business Analytics using Python” jointly conducted by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, TKRCET Meerpet Hyderabad and ITM Chennai during 22nd – 26th June 2020. Secured 100% in the assessment conducted at the end of session.
- Completed national level e-quiz competition on “Awareness of Outbreak of the Pandemic COVID-19 : JAAN HAI TOH JAHAN HAI”, organized by Home Science and Commerce department, Govt. Kamla Devi Rathi Mahila PG College, Rajnandgaon (C.G.) on 24th June 2020.
- Participated in the online Faculty development program conducted by department of computer science engineering TKRCET in collaboration with ITM Chennai during 22nd to 26th June 2020.
- Participated in the webinar series on “Telemedicine, IOT and Nano Science” organised by GSSSIETW IEEE student branch in association with IEEE Banglore and IEEE CAS Banglore Chapter during 10th to 12th June 2020.
- Attended one day national webinar on “We are Stronger Together” organised by Bhartiya Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Application & Management, New Delhi in coordination with IEEE Delhi Section & Industry Institute Partenership Cell (IIPC), AICTE on 06th June 2020.
- Attended one day international webinar on “Effective Delivering of Online Content in Social Science” organised by Department of History, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur on 30th May 2020.
- Completed the 5-days online short term training program on “MATLAB based Teaching-Learning in Mathematics, Science & Engineering” organised by the Department of Electronics Engineering, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai during 18th to 22nd May 2020.
- Participated in two day’s national level faculty development programme on “FDP 2.0” organised by North Storm Academy during 13th to 14th May 2020.
- Participated in three day national level faculty development programme on “Online College Management & Online Content Creation Tools” held at BMM & BAMMC department of Lala Lajpat Rai College of Commerce & Economics and University of Mumbai with North Storm Academy during 30th April 2020 to 2nd May 2020.
- Participated in two-weeks faculty development programme on “Advancements in Electric Drives and Control and their Socio-Environmental Impacts” held at Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg from 4th – 16th November 2019 sponsored by AICTE.
- Attended the Coordinators workshop on “eSim” organised by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay on 27th July 2019.
- Participated in a Training Program on “Recent Trends in VLSI Design using Microwind 3.8 EDA tool” held at Vivekanand Sabhagar, CSVTU Bhilai on 9th April 2019 under TEQIP-III.
- Participated for a short term Training Programme on “Trends and Challenges in Industry Academia Collaborations” held at Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg from 21st – 25th January 2019 under TEQIP-III.
- Participated in faculty development program on “Internet of Things (IoT)” jointly conducted by DSPM IIIT Naya Raipur and Electronics & ICT Academy of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur during 4th – 8th July 2018 at IIIT Naya Raipur.
- Successfully completed programme on Training for Trainers on “Quality Concepts and Problem Solving Techniques” organised by QCFI, Bhilai Chapter conducted at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology Durg from 20th July to 23rd July 2017.
- Participated in one-day workshop on “Research Guidance” held at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology Durg on 15th March 2017.
- Attended the workshop on “Digital Design Through Arduino” organised by IIT Hyderabad Teaching Learning Centre on 23rd July 2016 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology Durg.
- Attended national workshop on “Microwave Antennas & Filters” organised by Department of electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, CCET Bhilai with Sponsorship of Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology (CGCOST) on 14th and 15th October 2014.
- Participated in a Two-weeks ISTE Workshop on “Signals & Systems” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur from 2nd to 12th January 2014.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in Power System and Power Electronics” organised by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering CSIT Durg from 29th April to 11th May 2013.
- Participated in the National workshop on “Emerging Technologies in Poer Electronics, Electric Drives and Power Systems” organised by Department of Electrical Engineering Rungta College of Engineering & Technology Bhilai on 30th December 2011.
- Attended Two-days’ workshop on “Advanced Electronic Simulation” organised by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from 18th to 19th April 2011.
- Attended Two-Weeks Faculty Development Programme organised by the Chhattisgarh Industrial and Technical Consultancy Centre samta colony Raipur under the sponsorship of National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi from 4th to 16th January 2010.
Dr. Pushpendra Singh “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things” SWAYAM NPTEL, IIT Kharagpur, Duration July - October 2023 (12 Weeks).
Dr. Pushpendra Singh, Computer Graphics SWAYAM NPTEL, IIT Guwahati Duration July - September 2023 (8 Weeks).
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Introduction to Psychology” authorized by Yale University New Haven, Connecticut through coursera on October-December 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing” authorised by Yale University New Haven, Connecticut through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Thoracic Oncology” authorised by University of Michigan,USA through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects” authorised by McMaster University & University of California San Diego through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Introduction to Programming with MATLAB” authorised by Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Introduction to Biology of Cancer” authorised by Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Understanding Cancer Metastasis” authorised by Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online non-credit course on “Understanding Prostate Cancer” authorised by Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland through coursera on May-September 2020.
- Completed an online course on “Introduction to Internet of Things” authorised by IIT, Kharagpur through NPTEL on the duration July-October 2017.
- Completed an online course on “Introduction to Research” authorised by IIT, Madras through NPTEL on the duration January-March 2017.
- Completed an online course on “Digital Image Processing” authorised by IIT, Kharagpur through NPTEL on the duration July-October 2016.
Publications in International Journals:
Publications in International Conferences:
Publications in National Conference
Books Published:
STTP/ Workshop/ FDP Attended
Other Responsibilities:
- Centralized Committee Member of NAAC team for the session 2021-22 to 2023-24 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Organising Committee member of UGC Committee Visit on 13th – 14th March 2020 for Autonomous Status, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Centralized Committee Member of Training & Placement Cell since the session 2019-20 to date at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Centralized Committee Member of Startup-Club for the session 2021-22 to 2023-24 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Event Incharge (Face of OJAS) of National level Techno-Cultural-Sports fest , held on 27th -28th February 2019 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Organising Committee member of National Conference of BITCON-2019, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Incharge of Electronics Devices and circuit Laboratory, Department- Electronics and Telecommunication Engg, BIT Durg since January 2018.
- Event Incharge (Voice of OJAS) of National level Techno-Cultural-Sports fest , held on 16th -17th February 2018 at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
- Organising Committee member of National Conference of BITCON-2018, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg.
Felowship/Awards/Other recognitions:
- Qualified UGC-NET in Electronic Science for the Post of Assistant Professor.
- Member of Board of Studies in Surguja University Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh.
- Invited in Bhilai Institute of Technology Raipur for taking guest lectures of the subject Linear Integrated Circuit and Application for Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and EEE Students.
- No. of Patents: 02
- International Books: 02
Name of Place Visited |
Purpose of Visit |
Duration |
National / International |
From |
To |
National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan |
Academic Exchange Programme |
17.07.2018 |
17.08.2018 |
International |
SL No. |
Name of Institution/ Society |
Grade of Membership |
Membership Number |
Year of Election |
1 |
Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers(IETE) |
Associate Member |
AM228107L |
2012 |
2 |
International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) |
Life Member |
80347889 |
2013 |
3 |
International Association of Engineers (IAENG) |
Life Member |
123048 |
2014 |
4 |
Institute of Doctors, Engineers and Scientists (IDES), |
Life Member |
1800 |
2014 |
5 |
Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) |
Life Member |
049915118024 |
12.08.2017 |