Events and Activities of ED, Cell
- Awareness Program: Every year an interaction session will be organized by the ED cell between the members and entrepreneurs, Alumni and its Association.
- Workshop on Business Communication Skills: Communication is most important among the stakeholder; the cell will take opportunity to strengthen entrepreneurs with proper communication by conducting workshop on communication skills.
- Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP): Successful run of business depends upon the skill of entrepreneurs. The cell takes responsibility to conduct EDP to identify innovative thinking.
- Faculty Development programs (FDP): The interaction of faculty with outside world will create an environment for learning and so the knowledge provider also will be upgraded to facilitate proper functioning of cell.
- Women entrepreneurship: The cell intends to promote the idea of gender indifference.
- Rural entrepreneurship : The cell will organize program for rural area for educating them the art of earning money by self-employment.
- Start-ups
- 7.1 Product identification
- 7.2 Market survey, tools for market research
- 7.3 Preparation of project reports
- 7.4 To assist students in technical feasibility report
1. Action plan
- To create proposal and generate funds by searching funding agencies for successful conduction of programme to fulfill the objectives framed
- To continuously interact with the funding agency regarding communicated proposals.
- To communicate with the various institutions and participants for effective participation in programs conducting under ED Cell.
- To link with the successful entrepreneurs and eminent expert for sharing their knowledge and expertise with the students who want to become an entrepreneur.
- To create list of participants who motivated and created their own enterprise through the programmes conducted by this ED Cell.
- To develop the entrepreneurial culture by conducting awareness program, camps, class lecture, guest lecture by experts, industrial tours, seminar and conferences etc.
Coordinator | Chief Coordinator |
Dr. Ashok Kumar Chandra | Dr. Sanjay Guha |
Department of Management | Professor & Head |
Department of Management | Department of Management |