10th and 12th Schooling from GMPHSS, Durg; BE from SGSITS, (DAVV) Indore; Qualified GATE 1995, in Instrumentation having AIR 20; MTech from Pt. RSSU Raipur; MBA from BIMS, Pune; Phd from MATS, University Raipur. Life member of ISTE, BMESI, IAENG; Appeared in UPSC and state PSCs Mains exam several times.
Employee ID | 10076 |
Date of Joining | 10-04-2003 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Department | Electronics and Telecommunication |
Designation | Professor |
Educational Qualification | PhD, M. Tech, MBA, BE. |
naveen.dewangan@bitdurg.ac.in | |
Contact Number | Extension No.: 501, Global Directory No.: 8185 |
Signal processing and analysis, ANN
- Dr. Naveen Dewangan, Kiran Dewangan, Dr. Amar Kumar Dey, Sagar Singh Rathore “ A Review on ECG Signal Feature Extraction and Classification” TechniquesEuropean Chemical Bulletin Vol. 12, Issue-6, PP. 2310 – 2316, ISSN: 2063-5346, 1 July 2023 (Scopus).
- Kiran Dewangan, Meena Mishra and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A review: a new authentication protocol for real-time healthcare monitoring system”, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), ISSN 0021-1265, Volume 190 (3), pp: 927-932, 03 Nov 2020, Springer. DOI 10.1007/s11845-020-02425-x (SCIE).
- Kiran Dewangan, Arun Kumar and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “An IoT Framework for Real Time Patient’s Vital Parameter Monitoring and maintaining the database of healthcare data”, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), ISSN 1308-5581, Volume 14 (01), pp: 2860-2868, 2022. DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.343(ESCI)
- Neelam Dewangan, Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr. R.N. Patel & Dr. Naveen Dewangan; “Development on Deep Learning Based Interweaved Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio: Issues and Challenges”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, ISSN: 0367-6234 Vol. 54 (8), pp: 348-365, 2022.(Scopus)
- Sagar Singh Rathore, Dr. Neeta Tripathi, Dr. Naveen Dewangan, Pradeep Barde, “Wavelet Based ECG Peak Detector”, European Chemical Bulletin, ISSN 2063-5346, 12 (Special Issue 5), pp: 1844-1853, 2023. DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5.176 (Scopus)
- Dr. Surendra Reddy Vinta, Anusha R, Dr. Naveen Kumar Dewangan, R Rajalakshmi, Dr. T. R. Vijaya Lakshmi, Dr Isa Mishra, “Identification of Significant Clinical Attributes for Developing Heart Disease Prediction System”, International Journal of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING, ISSN: 2147-67992, 11(8s), pp: 552-559, 2023.(Scopus)
- Dr. Naveen Dewangan, Kiran Dewangan, Dr. Amar Kumar Dey, Sagar Singh Rathore, “A Review on ECG Signal Feature Extraction and Classification Techniques”, European Chemical Bulletin, ISSN: 2063-5346, 12(6), pp: 2310 – 2316, 2023. DOI: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.6.210.(Scopus)
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and S.P. Shukla “ECG Arrhythmia Classification using WT and ANN”, 2016 IEEE Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2016)/ISBN:978-1-50900772-1. SVCE, Bangalore and IEEE, pp. 1892-1896. 20-21 May, 2016. (Scopus-IEEE Digital Xplore)
- Shayela Nausheen Aziz and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A Review on Analysis of EEG Signal”, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, ISSN NO: 2249-7455, Volume 8, Issue III, MARCH/2018 pp:477-481.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan, S. P. Shukla and Mrs. Kiran Dewangan, “PCG Signal Analysis using Discrete Wavelet Transform”, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, ISSN NO: 2249-7455, Volume 8, Issue III, MARCH/2018 pp:412-417.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan, M.K. Kowar and Kiran Dewangan, “A Comparative Study of Denoising of ECG Signal using Wavelet Transform”, Global Journal of Modern Biology and Technology, ISSN: 2231-5179, 2011, Vol.1(3) 2011, Pp. 1-3.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and M.K. Kowar, “Parameter Estimation of Electrical Model of Heart by Modelling and Simulating Cardiovascular Variables”, International Journal of Engineering and Techno science, ISSN: 2229-5631, Vol. 2(4) 2011, Pp296-301.
- Nishi Dewangan and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A Neural Network Approach for ECG Classification”, International Journal of Technology & Science, ISSN: 2277-1905, Vol.1(1) Jan. 2012, Pp. 47-52.
- M M Shrutee and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “An ECG Classifier Based on Fuzzy Logic”, International Journal of Technology & Science, ISSN: 2277-1905, Vol.1(2) Jan. 2012, Pp. 48-51.
- Alka Yadav and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Wavelet for ECG denoising using Multiresolution technique”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN 2229-5518, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Pp. 1-3, Feb. 2012.
- Sagar Singh Rathore and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Wavelet: A Technique for Analysis of ECG”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Pp. 204-209, March 2012.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and M.K. Kowar, “Enhancement of ECG signals by multi-resolution sub-band filter and LMS based adaptive algorithm”, Global Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (GJEAS), ISSN:2249-2631(online):2249-2623(print), Volume 3. Pp. 43-47. No 1. (January – March (2013) Issue).
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and M.K. Kowar, “ECG signal denoising and QRS complex detection using multi resolution sub-band filter and thresholding technique”, Global Journal of Modern Biology and Technology (GJMBT), ISSN: 2279-6656(online):2231-5179(Print), Volume 3. No 1. Pp. 15-20, (January – March (2013) Issue).
- Amrit Versha Dewangan and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Noise removal techniques for ECG signal: A survey approach”, Global Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (GJEAS), ISSN:2249-2631(online) ISSN:2249-2623(print), Volume 4. No 1. Pp. 19-22, (January – March (2014) Issue).
- Geeta Kanwar, Naveen Kumar Dewangan and Kiran Dewangan, “A Review: Detection of Premature Ventricular Contraction Beat of ECG”, International Journal of Advance Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN (online):2278-8875 ISSN (Print):2320-3765, Volume 4, Issue2, pp. 1-5, Feb 2015.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and M.K. Kowar, “A Review on ECG Signal De-noising, QRS Complex, P and T Wave Detection Techniques”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, ISSN (online):2321-2004 ISSN (Print):2321-5526, Volume 3, Issue2, pp. 10-14, Feb 2015. DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2015.3203.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and S. P. Shukla, “A Survey on ECG Signal Feature Extraction and Analysis Techniques”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, ISSN (online):2321-2004 ISSN (Print):2321-5526, Volume 3, Issue6, pp.12-19, June 2015. DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2015.3603.
- Smita Sahu and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “MR Images Enhancement using Retinex”,International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, ISSN: 2091-2730 Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 128-137, Jan-Feb, 2015.
- Mr Kiran Ku Hirwani and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Control Strategy for Trajectory tracking of Robotic Arm”, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN (online):22781021 ISSN (Print):23195940 Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 878-882, March 2016.
- Mr Kiran Ku Hirwani and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A Comparative Study on Trajectory tracking of Robotic Arm”, Research Journal of Engg. Sciences, ISSN- 22789472 Vol- 5, Issue- 3, Pp:32-35, 2016.
- Ms. Geeta Kanwar and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Decision Tree based Premature Ventricular Contractions Beat Classifier of ECG”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), ISSN (Print): 2320 – 3765 ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875, Vol. 5, Issue 12, Pp. 9021-9027, December 2016. DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2016.0512035
- Mr Manish Sahu and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A Survey on Handwritten Character Recognition”, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), ISSN (Online) 2393-8021 ISSN (Print) 2394-1588 Vol. 4, Issue 1, Pp. 89-91, January 2017, DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2017.4120
- Mr Manish Sahu and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Handwritten Character Recognition using Neural Network”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), ISSN (Online) 2278-1021 ISSN (Print) 2319-5940 Vol. 6, Issue 6, June 2017 Pp. 11-14 DOI 16.17148/ IJARCCE.2017.6603
- Shayela Nausheen Aziz and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Analysis of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), e-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Vol. 5, Issue 8, pp.1795-1805, Aug 2018.
- Deepmala and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Automatic Detection of Malaria Parasite from Blood Images: A Review”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), Vol. 6, Issue 12, Pp. 1-6, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, Feb. 2019.
- Shayela Nausheen Aziz and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, Vinni Sharma “Analysis of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for Emotion Classification”, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2249-7455, Vol. IX, Issue III, pp. 660-667-1805, Mar 2019.
- Deepmala and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Automatic Detection of Malaria Parasite from Blood Images”, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 03, Pp. 723-730, ISSN (online): 2249-7455, March 2019.
- Aastha Shukla, Nidhi Yadav and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “IoT based Health Care Monitoring System: A Review”, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol. IX, Issue III, Pp. 748-751, ISSN (online): 2249-7455, March 2019.
- Deepmala and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “Automatic Detection of Malaria Parasite from Blood Images using MATLAB”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE) Vol. 7, Issue 07, Pp. 28-32, ISSN (online): 2249-7455, July 2019.
- Shayela Nausheen Aziz and Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A review on analysis of EEG signal”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), ISSN (Print) 2321-5526, Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp:1-3, Sept 2017.
- Nishi Dewangan and Naveen Kumar Dewangan and “NEURAL NETWORK BASED ECG BEAT CLASSIFICATION USING MATLAB”, “Shaastrarth-2013” An International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on 8-9th Feb 2013 organized by Rungta Group of Colleges, Bhilai.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan and S.P. Shukla “ECG Arrhythmia Classification using WT and ANN”, 2016 IEEE Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2016)/ISBN:978-1-50900772-1. SVCE, Bangalore and IEEE, pp. 1892-1896. 20-21 May, 2016.(Scopus-IEEE Digital Explorer)
- Kiran Dewangan, Mina Mishra, Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “A New Lightweight Authentication Protocol for IOT based Healthcare Monitoring System”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Global Development, Emerging Trends in Electronics, Telecommunication and its Applications, 30-31 Jan 2020, Organized by BIT, Raipur & CSVTU, Bhilai, ISBN-978- 93-5396-776-5, pp: 245 Paper ID- ICRTRESD_ET&T_018.
- Gagandeep Singh, Kiran Dewangan, Naveen Kumar Dewangan, “An IOT based Real Time Patient Health Monitoring System using Raspberry PI”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Global Development, 30-31 Jan 2020, Organized by BIT, Raipur & CSVTU, Bhilai, ISBN-978933967765, pp: 246 Paper ID- ICRTRESD_ET&T_019.
- Naveen Kumar Dewangan et al. “Customer segmentation using Machine Learning” IC-DTSDG-22 Disruptive technology for achieving sustainable development goals; TGPCET, Nagpur. 22-23 Dec. 20222.
- Attended 2-day workshop on “Trends of Instrumentation & Control towards Environmental challenges” (5-6 Oct 2007).
- Attended 1 day workshop on “Virtual Instrumentation through LabVIEW” held on 3rd Dec. 2008 organized by IIPC and Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication, SSCET, Bhilai.
- Attended 1 week workshop on “Virtual Instrumentation and Programming in LabVIEW” (27-31 Jan. 2009).
- Attended 2-day workshop on “PCB Making” (12-13 May 2009).
- Attended 2-day workshop on “MATLAB and Simulink” (14-15 May, 2009).
- Attended 2-day workshop on “Microcontroller and Interfacing” (14-17 Dec. 2009).
- Attended 2-day workshop on “Digital Image Processing” (14-15 Dec. 2010).
- Attended 2-day workshop on “VLSI Technology and Its Applications” (27-28 Dec. 2010).
- Attended 2 Week ISTE workshop on “Introduction to Research Methodologies” (25th June-4th July 2012) Conducted by IIT Bombay.
- Attended 1 day workshop on “Electronic System Design and Manufacturing: Energy Efficient Electronic Product Design” on Aug. 25, 2012, organized by BIT, Durg and sponsored by Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Government of India.
- Attended 2 Week ISTE workshop on “Analog Electronics” (4th June - 14th June 2013) Conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
- Attended 2 Week ISTE workshop on “Signals and Systems” (2nd - 12th Jan. 2014) Conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
- Attended 1 day workshop on “Scientific Writing” on 15th October 2016 conducted by BIT Durg.
- Participated 2 Week ISTE STTP on “CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio frequency VLSI Design” from 30th Jan to 4th Feb, 2017 Conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
- Attended 1-week AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “Academic Leadership Development Programme of Aspiring Leaders” Conducted by department of Electronics & Telecommunication BIT Durg, from 4-9 June, 2018.
- Attended 1-week STTP on “IOT & Cloud Computing Lab”, sponsored by CSVTU, Bhilai at CSIT, Durg from 3rd to 7th Dec. 2018.
- Attended 1 week “Induction Program for Mentors” held at CSVTU, Bhilai, on 24th-28th June, 2019 under TEQUIP-III.
- Attended two-week Online Certification Course “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” conducted by Coursera (University of Michigan), 06.04.2020-15.05.2020.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored Three Days Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Engineering Education and Accreditation” to be held Online during 21st – 23rd September, 2020 at NIT Meghalaya via Google Meet Platform.
- Attended 4 days online workshop on “train the trainer on examination reforms”, organized by BVB College of Engineering & Technology, Hubballi in collaboration with National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU), on 4th-7th Dec 2020.
- Attended an online non-credit course authorized by Yale University and offered through Coursera on “Introduction to Psychology”, (4 Week) 11.12.2020.
- Attended FDP on Scilab from 12.07.2021 – 16.07.2021 organized by Dept. of EE, BIT, Durg, with course material provided by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
- Attended ATAL FDP on “Role of AI and Machine Learning in Electronics Engineering”, 08.11.2021 - 2.11.2021, organized by Dept. of ETC, BIT, Durg.
- Was Expert and given expert lecture on “Adaptive teaching Pedagogy: Post Covid Situation” jointly organized by the dept. of EE, EEE and E&TC, BIT Durg on 06.01.2023.
List of Workshops/Seminars/FDP/QIP/STTPs Attended
25. Attended One Week Teacher’s Training Program on “Adaptive Teaching Pedagogy: Post Covid Situation” held from 3rd to 7th January 2023 and organized by dept. of EE, BIT, Durg.
26. Participated in IP Awareness/Training Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission on December 20, 2022, organized by Intellectual Property Office, India.
1. Attended 1 day Teachers Training Programme for the Subject “Health Hygiene & Yoga on 17th December 2006” conducted by CSVTU.
1. Attended 2 week ISTE SDP on “Environmental Monitoring for Sustainable Development” (28 Nov.-12 Dec. 2008), organized by Civil Department, BIT, Durg.
Other Responsibilities:
- Organized one day Seminar on MATLAB and Simulink.
- Organized and participated in the national conference, BITCON’ 07 on 16th-17th April, 2007 at BIT, DURG.
- Setting of various papers and valuation of answers of various papers of the University.
- Many times, acted as External for various practical examinations.
- Working as an Adviser of the Institution of Engineer’s Student Chapter Dept. E & TC, BIT, Durg.
- Acted as Project Guide for 28 groups of BE Students and acted as a Guide for 11 MTech students.
- Organized National Level Model based Project competition “SANRACHNA 08” on 19th March 2008 under IE(I) Student’s chapter, E&TC, BIT, Durg.
- Organized State Level Quiz competition “Quest for the Best” on 3-4 March 2009 under IE(I) Student’s chapter, E&TC, BIT, Durg.
- Organized State Level Quiz competition “Brain Basher” on 3-4 March 2010 under IE(I) Student’s chapter, E&TC, BIT, Durg.
- Organized State Level Quiz competition “Tachy Techie” on 9-10 Sept 2010 under IE(I) Student’s chapter, E&TC, BIT, Durg.
- Organized Quiz on 14-15 Sept 2015 and 2016 on eve of 48th and 49th Engineers Day.
- Was in organizing committee member and participated in the national conference, BITCON’ 2015 on 20-21 Feb, 2015 at BIT, DURG.
- Was Organizing Secretary and participated in the national conference, BITCON’ 2016 on 29th-30th Jan, 2016 at BIT, DURG.
- Acted as an Incharge of DSP/Microwave/Analog Electronics Lab.
- Acted as Project Incharge of E & TC Dept. for Yr. 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14.
- Acted as an Adviser of Institution of Engineers Student Chapter of E & TC, BIT, Durg.
- Acted as Catering Incharge during farewell party in the year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
- Acted as Teacher Incharge of 5th Semester ETC in the year 2012, 2014.
- Coordinating team member of BITCON 2015, 2016.
- Acted Teacher Incharge of 4th Sem ETC, 2017.
- Coordinator B. Voc (EMS) 07.09.19-19.10.2022.
- HoD (E&TC Dept., BIT Durg.) from 07.09.2019 to 19.10.2022.
- Life time Member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), Membership no. LM 41401, since 2004.
- Life time Member of Bio Medical Engg Society of India (BMESI), Membership no. L 664, since 2004.
- Adviser of Institution of Engineers Student Chapter, ET&T Engg. BIT, Durg.
- Life time Member of IAENG (International Association of Engineers), Membership no. 248767, since 2019.
- Member (BoS, ETC, BITD), Member (AC, BITD), Member (BoS, E&I, CSVTU).
Felowship/Awards/Other recognitions:
Sl. No.
Title Of the Book/Monographs
Whether Sole or Co-Author
Publisher (with city/ country)
Year of Publication
Type of the Book (Local, National or International)
Digital Electronics Handbook for Lab Work
Rubicon, (London, UK)
(Book Available on Amazon)
Electromagnetic Field Theory
First Author
Antennas & Radar
First Author
Academic Editions Pvt Ltd. India
(Book Available on Amazon)
Engineering Electromagnetics
First Author
Academic Editions Pvt Ltd. India
Digital Communication Lab. Manual
Academic Editions Pvt Ltd. India
S. No.
Diary No./CBR No./
Application No.
Filing Date
Published/Awarding Date
Software copyright/
ECG Arrhythmia Classification for Computer Added Diagnosis of the Heart Disease
Diary No.-
30.08.2023 Software copyright
Implementation of Feature Selection Based Algorithms for Accurate Prediction of Crop Yield and paving way for Precision in Agriculture
Appl. No.-202241068370
Device for Verification of Analyzed Data
Appl. No.-375904-001
Cbr No.-210097
Design of Mice for Computer with Touch Screen
Appl. No.-379576-001
Cbr No.-202218
Smart Muscle Strength Monitor for Therapy
Appl. No.-
Cbr No.-