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Mrs. Neha Singh

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Neha Singh

Employee ID 10352
Date of Joining 17-01-2020
Nature of Association Regular
Department Electronics and Telecommunication
Designation Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification 1) Pursuing PhD from CSVTU, Bhilai. 2) M.TECH Honors, Instrumentation and Control. 3) B.E in Electronics & Telecommunication.
Contact Number Extension No.: 503
Areas of Interest

Biomedical, Embedded system, Instrumentation


    Publications In Journals:

    1. "Diabetic Level Detection Using Non-Invasive Method International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), Vol. 20, Issue 7, pp.90-94, Jul-24,
    2. BPCC: Design of a hybrid Bioinspired model for improving efficiency of PPG Classification under Clinical scenarios, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(7), 2436-2447[Scopus]
    3. Blockchain and Machine Learning Based Healthcare Management Systems, Chemical Reaction Optimization Using Artificial Neural Networks (European Chemical Journal), Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special issue 4), 10840 – 10849[Scopus]
    4. Design of a highly accurate PPG sensing Interface via multimodal Ensemble Classification Architecture,” International journal of computer network and information security, vol.1, pp. 13-24, Feb 2022 [Scopus]
    5. (IOT) BASED REAL TIME PARKING SYSTEM USING ARDUINO AND BLYNK APPLICATION, International journal of creative research thought, Volume 9, Issue 9, pp no a 898, September 2021
    6. Time Varying Delay System,” Current Issues in IJARSE, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.89-94, September, 2017.
    7. Corrosion Detection,” Current Issues in IJARSE, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.260-267, September, 2017.

    Publications In International Conferences

    1. International Conference on “Disruptive Technology for achieving Sustainable Development Goals” (IC-DTSDG-22), Tulsiramji college, Nagpur [AICTE Sponsored]
    2. International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA 2022), GCT, Namakkal, TN, [IEEE, Conference]
    3. Performance Analysis of Different Blood Pressure Design Mechanisms: A Statistical Perspective INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONNOVEL ENGINEERING MATERIALS FOR BIOMEDICAL, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SENSING, AND OTHER APPLICATION (ICON-BEES-2021), pp. 155, March 2021, NIT, TRICHY
    4. Neha Singh, International conference of advance research and innovation (ICARI 2021), Jan 2021(participated)

    Publications In National Conferences

    1. A Statistical Study & Analysis of Different Mechanism for Blood Pressure Measurement, AICTE SPONSORED NATIONAL E-CONFERENCE ON DATA SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2021, BIT, DURG 26 & 27 July 2021
    2. IOT car parking system using Arduino of building elegant city, AICTE SPONSORED NATIONAL E-CONFERENCE ON DATA SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2021, BIT, DURG 26 & 27 July 2021.
    3. Neuro Fuzzy Logic Based Self Diagnosis of health Parameter Using Labview, National level conference, BITCON , BIT, Durg, 20th November, 2020 .
    4. Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing by using Technique of Neural Network, National level conference, BITCON , BIT, Durg, 20th November, 2020.
    5. PLC Problem solving using Neural Network, National level conference, TECHNOLOGIA, CCET, Bhilai, 15th & 16th November, 2013
    6. PLC Problem solving using Neural Network, National level conference, TECHNOLOGIA, CCET, Bhilai, 1st & 2nd March, 2012
    7. Study & Automation Of PLC, All India Conference, AICON, CSIT, Durg, 28th & 29th  Jan, 2011 All India Conference, AICON, CSIT, Durg, 22-24 Jan, 2010.

    STTP / Workshop/FDP Attended:

    1. Significance of Correct Body Postures and Ergonomics for the Working Professionals,Dept. of ETC, BIT Durg Duration 14.08.24 to 14.08.24.
    2. NEP 2020, BHU  & UGC, Online Duration 2 weeks
Other Info.

Other Responsibilities:

    Books/Monographs Published as Author/Co-Author:

    1. "Artificial Intelligence and medical science" Co- Author Scientific International Publishing House, ISSN/ ISBN No.978-93-5757-352-8,  2023.

Felowship/Awards/Other recognitions: