
Established in the year 1986 as the first Engineering College in Private Sector in the erstwhile State of Madhya Pradesh (now in Chhattisgarh), Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg is managed by a Trust registered under Chhattisgarh Public Trusts Act, 1951. The Trust consists of Industrialists, Philanthropists, senior bureaucrats, CEOs of large business establishments in the State and elected Public Representatives (Member of Parliament & Member of State Legislative Assembly).
The Trust set up the second Engineering College at Raipur in 2009 with the name and title “Bhilai Institute of Technology Raipur” Important policy decisions and guidelines formulated by the Trust are executed through duly constituted Boards of Governors. The Trust also keeps a watch on the financial health of the Institutes. Generally, the Trust meets twice or thrice a year.
Separate Board of Governors which monitors the working of the respective Institute is constituted as per directives of All India Council for Technical Education and the affiliating University. The Board consists of the representatives of BIT Trust, AICTE, State Government and nominees of the University. The Board of Governors meets periodically, reviews the working of the College and issues necessary advice/instructions to the Principal. Principal of the Institute reports to the Board of Governors and functions as its Member Secretary.
The Principal is assisted by a team of HODs, Deans, Placement Officer and other functionaries in the day-to-day working of the College. Various Committees appointed to take care of specific areas/activities such as discipline, examinations,grievances/complaints, anti-ragging measures, Women’s security, etc. also help Principal to ensure the quality of services extended to students and other stake holders in accordance with the Vision and Mission statements of the Institute.