10th and 12th Schooling from BSPHSS, Risali Bhilai; BE from PtRSU Raipur; MTech from CSVTU Bhilai; Phd from CVRU Bilaspur. Life member of ISTE.
Employee ID | 10089 |
Date of Joining | 01-01-2004 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Department | Electronics and Telecommunication |
Designation | Professor & Head |
Educational Qualification | 1. Ph.D. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 2. M. Tech in Instrumentation & Control Engineering 3. B.E in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
arun.kumar@bitdurg.ac.in | |
Contact Number | Extension No.: 502, Global Directory No.: 8125 |
Signal Processing, IoT, Embedded System
Ekta Tamrakar R. N. Patel, Arun Kumar, Raunak Tamrakar, Kanchan Upadhyay “Synthesis, properties and applications of perovskite phase BaZrO3 for solar cell applications” NanoWorld Journal (United Scientific Group) Vol. 10, Issue - S1, pp. S194-S198, March 2024, ISSN: 3791101(Scopus ).
Dewangan, Kiran, Kumar, Arun, Dewangan, Naveen Kumar. 2022, An IoT Framework for Real-Time Patient’s Vital Parameter Monitoring and maintaining the database of healthcare data, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, Volume 14 No 1 (2022), DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.343 . (ESCI Indexed)
- Dewangan, Kiran, Mina, Mishra, Dewangan, Naveen Kumar. 2020, A Review: A New Authentication Protocol For Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring System, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-), 1-6, Springer London, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11845-020-02425-x . (SCIE Indexed)
- Neelam & Arun kumar (2022) Performance Analysis of LSTM-CNN for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, ISSN: 2094-0343, Vol 71 no. 4 pp 6218-30
- Neelam & Arun kumar (2022) "Development On Deep Learning Based Interweaved Cooperative Spectrum Sensing In Cognitive Radio: Issues And Challenges" has been published in Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology , Vol 54, Issue 8, ISSN : 0367-6234 (scopus Indexed).
- Neelam & Arun kumar (2022)"LSTM integrated AlexNet based cooperative Spectrum sensing for Cognitive radio Network" published in Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, Volume 41, Issue 11, 2022 ISSN No. 1005-0086 (Scopus Indexed)
- Neha Singh & Arun kumar (2021) Design of a Highly Accurate PPG Sensing Interface via Multimodal Ensemble Classification Architecture, I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2022, 1, 13-24 Published Online February 2022 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/) DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2022.01.02
- Swati Verma & Arun Kumar et.al (2021) Ab-initio modelling for gas sensor device: based on Y-doped SnS2 monolayer, Physica E:Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2021.114962 [SCI, Scopus]
- Rjeev Pathak & Arun Kumar (2021) Dual Feed Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna Design with Circular Polarized Wave for 5G Cellular Communication, Progress In electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 93, 87-109, 2021 [Scopus]
- Arun Kumar & S. Farheen Aziz, Study & Examination of Vibration Signals of A Bearing, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, Mar. 2019 [UGC] ISSN: 2249-7455, GIF:0.67
- Arun Kumar & Manisha Chandani, Prediction of Epileptic Seizure Using EEG Signal Processing By MLPNN and SVM Classifiers, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 03, Mar 2018.[UGC] ISSN: 2249-7455, GIF:0.67
- Arun Kumar & S. Farheen Aziz, Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearing, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering Vol. 5, Issue 9, Sep 2017 [UGC], ISSN:2321-5526
- Arun Kumar & Manisha Chandani, A review on: recognition of human emotions based on the analysis of EEG physiological Signal, Research Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 6(7), 33-38, July 2017. ISSN: 2278-9472, GIF 0.54
- Arun Kumar & Anup Mishra, Denoising of Vibration Signal used in Fault Diagnosis of Machine, (I2CT) IEEE explore Doi:10.1109/I2CT 2017.8226128 [Scopus indexed]
- Arun Kumar & Manisha Chandani, Analysis of EEG Physiological Signal For The Detection Of Epileptic Seizure i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 4 l No. 1 l March - May 2017, ISSN: 2349-7912, Cit : 01
- Arun Kumar & Manisha Chandani, Classification of EEG Physiological Signal for the Detection of Epileptic Seizure by Using DWT Feature Extraction and Neural Network, American Journal of Information Management, Vol. 2(3): 37-42, 2017, Doi:10.11648/Jinfomgmt:2070203.12, Cit : 03
- Arun Kumar & Manisha Chandani, A Review on: Recognition of human emotions based on EEG Physiological Signal. Research journal of science and Engineering Vol. 6(7), 33-38, July (2017)
- Arun Kumar & Bhupendra, A Review on: PLC based automatic fly Ash Brick Machine, IRJET Vol. 3 Issue 1 (2016)
- Arun Kumar & Anup Mishra, Computation Effort and Effect of Signal Processing Techniques in Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Machine, IJAREEIE Vol. 4 Issue 1, pp. 1258-1261, ISSN:2320-3765, Cit : 03
- Arun Kumar & Anup Mishra, Bearing Fault Diagnosis based on Vibration Signature Analysis using Discrete Wavelet Transform, IJERT Vol. 3 Issue 8, Aug 2014 pp. 1258-1261, ISSN:2278-0181, Cit : 02
- Arun Kumar & Anup Mishra, Vibration Signature Analysis Based on Non-dimensional Symptom Parameter Using Discrete Wavelet Transform Under Variable Load Conditions, IJECT Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp.140-143, July - Sept 2013, ISSN:2230-9543
- Arun Kumar & Parul, Vibration Signal Analysis and Damage Detection using Discrete Wavelet Transform, IJECT Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 105-108, July - Sept 2012, ISSN: 2230-9543
- Arun Kumar & Yogesh, Image Correlation Technique for Strain Measurement: An Overview, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459), Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2012, ISSN:2250-2459, Cit : 04
- Arun Kumar & Ruchi, Furnace Temperature Control & Calibration of Thermocouple Using Digital Temperature Controller Industrial Engineering Letters Vol 2, No.6, 2012, ISSN:2225-0581
- Arun Kumar & Sarita, Discrete wavelet transform based signal stegnography & encryption, IJEST Vol. 4 No.05 May 2012, pp 2417-2420, ISSN:0975-5462, h index 03, Cit : 05
- Arun Kumar, A DC Motor Speed Controller using LABVIEW and Visual Basic IJECT Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan. - March 2012 pp 144-146, ISSN:2230-954
- A Framework for Secure Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based with Blockchain and Deep Learning model in Cognitive Radio, ICECONF-2023,St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, OMR, Chennai-119.
- Tuning Electronic, Magnetic and Transport properties of SnS 2D-material by rare-earth metal (Y) doping for sensing application: Ab-initio Modelling” in the 2022 IEEE Sponsored Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (SSTC), Bhilai, 21 - 22, April 2022.\
- Reduction of Ultrasound Images using Combined Bilateral Filter & Median Modified Wiener Filter, in the 2022 IEEE Sponsored Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (SSTC), Bhilai, 21 - 22, April 2022.
- Gas Sensor device based on Pt-doped SnS2 Monolayer: Ab-initio Modelling, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) to IEEE Xplore: 06 April 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ICAECT49130.2021.9392613
- A statistical analysis of different blood pressure measurement technique, in the Research Conclave during Feb 10-12, 2022 organized by the Academic Council, IIT Indore
- Ab-initio Modeling of Functionalized 2D-Stanene nanostructure in context of FET based Toxic GasSensor, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1166 (2021) 012052 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1166/1/012052
- Performance Analysis of different Blood Pressure Design mechanism, An international conference on noval engineering materials for biomedical sensing, energy environment sensing and other application 2021 at NIT Trichipalli, March 2021
- Vibration Analysis of rolling element bearing, An International Conference Techno-A-Tech 2018 Chouksey college of Engineering, Bilaspur
- Technological growth of Chhattisgarh and Rural Development, An International Conference on Status of Science and Technology in C.G. State, March 2015 at BIT Durg
- Denoising of Vibration Signal used in Fault Diagnosis of Machine, Second Interntional Conference I2CT April 2017, Pune.
- A Statistical Study & Analysis of Different Mechanism for Blood Pressure Measurement, in the AICTE Sponsored National E-conference, on 26th & 27th July 2021 organized by Department of Computer Science BIT Durg
- A Statistical Study & Analysis of Different Mechanism for Blood Pressure Measurement" in the AICTE Sponsored National E-conference, on 26th & 27th July 2021 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (Chhattisgarh).
- Discriminating Significant Attributes of Photoplethysmogram Signal for Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement ,22nd Nov 2020 BITCON 2020 at BIT Durg
- Advance in Chemical Engineering and Sceince ACES 2020 organized by Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IISE& R Bhopal
- Electron Trasport Properties of nucleotide via nanopore in stanene Nanoribbon, National Conference engineering Material & Technology 2019, at NIT Raipur, India
- Effect of width on the election properties and I-V Charecterstics of Stenene, BITCON 2019 at BIT Durg
- Examination of Vibration Signals of A Bearing, BITCON 2018 at BIT Durg
- Automatic Crusher Plant Using PLC based System National seminar on Energy harvesting material and Technology for Sustainable Development Dec 2015 at Govt. V.Y.T.PG Aotonomous College, Durg
- Automatic Switching of Power Supply using PLC Based System National seminar on Energy harvesting material and Technology for Sustainable Development Dec 2015 at Govt. V.Y.T.PG Aotonomous College Durg
- PLC Based Automatic Fly ash Brick Machine National seminar on Energy harvesting material and Technology for Sustainable Development Dec 2015 at Govt. V.Y.T.PG Aotonomous College Durg
- An Embedded System Design For the Efficient use of Water Using Prepaid Smart Card, National Conference AICON 14 CSIT DURG India
- Nano Technology for Wireless Communication System National conference BITCON-2008 at BIT Durg
- Embedded system using IFOTON for telemetry of bio-signal blood Pressure. in National conference NCAMN-2008 in RCET Bhilai
- Micro controller based event detection and Remote control at National seminar in ITGGU Bilaspur-2007
- Bandwidth efficient modulation using TCM in BITCON-2007 at BIT Durg.
- “Generative AI” Department of E&TC, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Duration 04.03.2024 to 09.03.2024.
- “Quality Research Paper and Funding Project Proposal Writing" Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Pune, uration11.03.2024 to 15.03. 2024.
- National seminar on Incorporating human values in heighr education, on 20-21 dec 2021, Bhilai institute of Technology, durg
- Two Days National Symposium on Academic Challenges Towards Implementation of NEP in HEI's organized on 29th and 30th September, 2022
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Recent Trends in Control System Engineering" from 23/08/2021 to 27/08/2021 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology.
- Short term Training Program on Advance in Bio Singnal and Image Processing, organicsed by TQIP-III and Dept. of ETC, GEC Raipur, Mar 2021
- Online FDP on "Cyber Security" from 2020-10-5 to 2020-10-9 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy 2020-10-9 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology.
- National webinar on Signal Processing, at Bharti College of Engineering & Tech., Durg as keynote speaker June, 2020
- Taking learning & research forward using IEEE explore, jointly organized by EBSCO india, IEEE India & Lokmanya Tilak College of Engg. Mumbai. 2020
- Workshop on esim, a first course in the IoT series for Teachers, BIT Durg organized by IIT Bombay 2020
- Concept of virtual instrumentation & its biomedical applications, at CSVTU Bhilai, 26th-29th Nov 2019.
- One day workshop on eSim a first cource in IOT series for Teachers at BIT Durg by ICT IIT bombey, 21 sep 2019
- Intelligent control and sensing of smart grid and smart cities, VSSUT, Burla 30 Apr’2018 to 5 May’2018
- CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design, IIT KGP/ BIT Durg, 30th Jan-4th Feb 2017
- Digital Design Through Arduino, IIT Hydrbd/ BIT Durg, 10th Sep’2016
- Impact of Industrial Innovation on Technological Development of C.G., Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, 11-12th Sep’2015
- Control System, IIT KGP/ BIT Durg, 2-12th Dec’2014
- Electronics System Design and manufacturing , Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, 25th Aug’2012
- Wavelet Transform and Its Application, Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal , 4-16th June 2012
- CMOS VLSI Design, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, 23-27th June, 2008
- Trends of Instrumentation and Cotrol system , Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg, 5,6th Oct 2007
- Lab View, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, 27-31Jan’ 2009
- Environmental Monitoring for Sustainable Development , Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, 29th Nov’ 12th Dec 2008
- CMOS VLSI Design using Tanner Spice , Cristian College of Engineering, Bhilai, 16th Dec’ 2011
Publications in International Journals:
International Conferences
National Conferences
STTP / Workshop/FDP Attended:
Other Responsibilities:
Felowship/Awards/Other recognitions:
- Design patent, Fuel Dispenser Stand with Nozzle, Design No.: 364594-001, 23.05.2022
- Design patent, Semi Automatic Boom Barrier Gate, Design No.: 381083-001, Date 9.3.23.
- Design patent,Data processing euipmemt for Networked devices , Date 17.04.2024.
- ARM architecture Co-Author India, 978-81-963063-4-2, 2023, International
- Computational intellingence and application for pandemic and health care “Discriminating Significant Morphological Attributes of Photoplethysmograph Signal for Cuffless BloodPressure Measurement”, IGI Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9831-3.ch013
- Handbook of Research on Computer Vision and Image Processing in the Deep Learning EraMultipath Convolutional Neural Network for Brain Tumor Detection (CNN), IGI Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8892-5.ch019
- Nominated as Subject Expert in faculty selection of ETC dept. in Bharat university Durg date: 10/03/2022.
- Judge of “Creat-A –Thon” event organized by EEESA on 20th November,2021 by Dept of Electricsl Engineering, BIT Durg.
- Engineering for skill development and employment in combating COVID19 by Dept of MCA, BIT Durg. Date 15.09.2021
- Resourse person and Jury at seminar on implementation of scince and technology in daily life at JNMSEE, organized by K.V. Utai, C.G. Mar 2021
- Keynote Speaker at National webinar on Signal Processing, at Bharti College of Engineering & Tech., Durg as keynote speaker June,2020
- Jury Member at BITSINE 2018 by organized by Dept. CSE BIT Durg C.G.
- Jury Member at44th KV Regional Level JLN Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition and Seminar 2016 17 at K.V. Durg C.G. Mar 2017
- Guest Lecture on higher concept of electronics, Advance Microprocessor and Interfacing at Govt. VYT PG Autonomous College Durg, 2015
Patent: 03
Books Published :
Book Chapters: 02
R&D Projects/Sponsored projects: 01
Title: 2D nano structure based field effect transistor as gas sensor. Ab-initio modeling
Agency, year of Start: TQIP III, CSVTU/ Crp final/3272, 2019
Total grant: 150000/- Status: Completed
Invited Resource Person/Guest lecture