Applied Chemistry

The Department of Applied Chemistry comprises a qualified, trained, and dedicated team of faculty and staff members who work in a highly encouraging environment. It supports the undergraduate and Ph.D. students in understanding chemical aspects of Engineering so that they can be the better engineers for the nation. The faculty of the Department is actively involved in research activity, testing & consultancy. The Departmental research has been supported by the Department of Atomic Energy, Board of Nuclear Science, All India Council of Technical Education, Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology, and CG Medicinal Plant Board. The Department has successfully completed six sponsored projects and four are ongoing. Doctoral research is carried out actively in the Department. The major thrust is the area of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, surface chemistry, drug and chemical characterization of medicinal plants. Thirty research scholars have already been awarded Ph.D. and presently nine candidates are pursuing their Ph.D. from this Department.The Department has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Division Of Radiochemistry,University Bosania,Institute of Nuclear Science ,Ege University Turkey ,Department of chemistry North Bengal University ,Darjeeling ,West Bengal ,Department of chemistry Gov.D.T.P.G College Utai,Durg Department of Chemistry Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya,Bhilai .The research activities of faculties are in collaboration with International and National Universities. The Department is a recognized consultant of various bottled mineral water producing companies, cement and steel industries, Nagar Nigam, etc.
To establish the department as one of the best chemistry programs in society with acknowledged excellence in research, and instruction, intellectual and physical location at the nexus between basic sciences, applied sciences/engineering, which enables a variety of multidisciplinary projects and interactions.
- To provide quality education in Applied Chemistry & vibrant atmosphere to the undergraduate students to nurture the spirit of scientific inquiry.
- To focus on practical and industrial implementation through removal of obsolescence in theory and practical with subjective knowledge for their bright and successful career.
- To promote excellent academic and supportive environment so that student can learn leadership quality, team spirit and can become a responsible ecofriendly engineer of universe.
- To use up to date techniques and skills required in modern era to analyze problems in industrial field.
- To practice professionalism with ethical and positive attitude and keep the social issues, team work and responsibilities up most in mind exhibiting accurate written and oral communication and technical skills.
- To prepare doctoral candidates to become independent and creative practitioners of Chemistry.
- To develop wide range of research representing interdisciplinary activities.
- Quality and ongoing improvement
- The faculty members of the department are committed towards improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities by availing opportunities for professional development and achievement.
- To promote ethical and responsible behaviour among the students
- To conduct research, provide consultancy services, and other relevant activities to meet the needs of the applied chemistry community.