
The department of Humanities is devoted to disseminate knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective and to empower students with right blend of technical and value education. The pivotal objective of the department is to incorporate wide range of knowledge pertinent to human relationship with society interaction towards the betterment of mankind. The department is unique in its objective that it offers not only outcome-based education but it also inculcates value-based education.
The curriculum specifically attempts to equip the students with required conceptual, behavioural and technical skills in connection to various communication situation. Through different courses and activity-based training sessions, the department of Humanities edifies students by developing their communication skills, soft skills and organizational behaviour, so that they function effectively as individual members and as leaders in diverse teams and multidisciplinary settings. It aims to prepare a strong generation to communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documents, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions developing deep understanding of language, value of critical reading and effective writing.
To provide strong foundation in communication skills that help students to communicate effectively in handling complex engineering activities; and to inculcate competency and proficiency in them combined with right values and ethics, to prepare them to contribute towards holistic development of the society.
- To equip students with clear understanding about concepts and principles of communication to make them proficient communicators.
- To build strong base of soft skills coupled with high morale in students to prepare them for the contemporary professional scenario.
- To inculcate scientific and research temperament in students.
- To integrate human values and social concerns with technical education.
- To foster professional values and ethics in students by making them responsible citizens.