Applied Physics

Department of Applied Physics was conceived in the year 1986 along with the inception of the Institute with an aim to provide scopes to build the foundation stones for higher studies in Engineering and other allied fields.The department offers Ph.D. in various specializations of the discipline.The backbone of the department is quality research, experienced faculty members and latest infrastructure.
To lay a foundation for excellence and encourage the upkeeping of the institution as a premier institution by inducing enthusiasm, interest, and passion in the study of Applied Physics in professional courses as a part of the curriculum.
Laboratory Details
Name of Laboratory/ Size |
Significant Equipments and Software Available |
Applied Physics Lab / 18x9 sq m. |
Deflection & Vibration Magnetometer, Stoke &Poissuielle viscosity meter, Callender& Barnes Calorimeter, Logic Gates, Carry Foster’s Bridge, e/m by Thompson’s Method Kit, Traveling Microscope, Sonometer, Potentiometer, Bar Pendulum, Fly Wheel, Transistor & Diode Characteristics, Comparison of E.M.F. Jaeger’s Apparatus, Thermal Conductivity Measurement, Energy gap measurment with Four Probe etc.etc. |
Optics lab / 6x9 sq m. |
Nodal slide assembly, Newton’s Ring apparatus, Bi-Prism assembly, Telescope, Laser optics lab, Optical Fiber, Photoconductivity Measurement Unit, Spectrometer with imported grating, Michelson Interferometer, Lux Meter, UV& Helium-Neon laser source, Mercury Lamp ,Monochromatic Sodium Light Source etc. |
Research Lab / 15x9 sq m. |
Spin and dip coating unit for preparation of thin films, Ball Mill apparatus, Centrifuge machine, Electronic Single Pan Balance, Triple Distillation Unit, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Magnetic Rotor, Digital pH Meter & Conductivity Meter, Magnetic Stirrer(With Hot Plate), Muffle furnaces with Digital Temperature controller, UV Double Beam Spectrophotometer(with computer & software), Digital Pico Ammeter, Digital Nano Ammeter, Photoluminescence study kit, Mechano luminescence study kit, storage oscilloscope, Optical filters, Resistivity measurement of near insulators using Two Probe kit(with software). Hall Effect Kit , kithelysourcemeter etc. |
YouTube links of Physics Practical Videos
(With actual hands-on demonstration)
Sl. No. |
Title of Research Project |
Name of PI/Co-PI/ Joint PI |
Duration of the Project |
Total Grants Received |
Name of the funding agency |
1 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Metal Nitrides for Perovskite Solar Cells |
Dr. Rajesh Lalwani |
(3 Years) 2022-2025 |
7.297 |
UGC - DAE, IUC-CSR, Indore |
2 |
NIR-Sensitive GD 203 based materials as triggers for photoreaction of photosensitive materials for biomedical application” |
Dr. Kanchan Upadhyay, Mentor- Dr. Raunak Kumar Tamrakar |
(3 Years) 2021-2024 |
33.468 |
Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi (DST) Govt. of India |
3 |
A Novel approach to the synthesis of photosensitive non structure material their characterization for Utilization of solar energy in Chhattisgarh |
Dr. Rajesh Lalwani, Dr. Devi Singh Raghuvanshi, Dr. Ruby Das |
(1 Year) 2019 - 2020 |
2.0 |
TEQIP - III, CSVTU, Bhilai |
4 |
Studies of luminescence properties of rare earth doped and co-doped phosphors |
Dr. Manmeet Kaur Bhuie, Dr. Prashant Kumar Sahu, Dr. Mimi Akash Pateria |
(1 Year) 2019 - 2020 |
2.0 |
TEQIP - III, CSVTU, Bhilai |
5 |
Mechanoluminescence and the rmoluminescence studies of rare earth activated phosphors for display and mechanical sensors |
Dr. Vikash Vubey, Dr. Raunak Kumar Tamrakar. |
(1 Year) 2019 - 2020 |
2.0 |
TEQIP - III, CSVTU, Bhilai |
6 |
Development of low cost and high performance polymer gas sensor |
Dr. Devi Singh Raghuvanshi, Dr. Rajesh Lalwani, Mr. B. Gopal Krishna |
(1 Year) 2019 - 2020 |
2.0 |
TEQIP - III, CSVTU, Bhilai |
7 |
Mechanoluminescence for crack detection in cementitious structure |
Mr. Ram Krishna Mishra, Dr. Raunak Kumar Tamrakar. |
(1 Year) 2019-2020 |
2.5 |
TEQIP - III, CSVTU, Bhilai |
8 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Rare Earth doped GdAlO3 Phosphors |
Dr. Samit Tiwari, Dr. Raunak Kr. Tamrakar |
(3 Years) 2015 -2018 |
4.4 |
Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology, Raipur (CGCOST) |
9 |
Synthesis and Characterization of doped Nano crystalline CdSe and CdS Thin Films Suitable for Sensor Applications |
Dr. (Mrs.) Ruby Das, Dr. Rajesh Lalwani |
(3 Years) 2012 - 2015 |
1.0 |
UGC - DAE, IUC-CSR, Indore |
Total |
56.665 Lakhs |
S. No. |
Subject/ Branch |
Name |
Designation (as per Statue 19 of State Govt.) |
Research Areas |
Total Teaching Experience |
Vacant Position of Seat of Ph.D. Scholars |
1 |
Applied Physics |
Dr. Ruby Das |
Professor |
Experimental Solid State Physics - Preparation and characterization of thin films, Nano materials |
28 |
7 |
2 |
Applied Physics |
Dr. Samit Tiwari |
Professor |
Solid State Physics, Materials Science, Bio-Medical Physics |
25 |
8 |
3 |
Applied Physics |
Dr. Rajesh Lalwani |
Associate Professor |
Thin Films, Nanotechnology, Materials Science |
18 |
4 |
4 |
Applied Physics |
Dr. Prashant Kumar Sahu |
Assistant Professor |
Thin Films, Nanotechnology, Materials Science |
16 |
4 |
5 |
Applied Physics |
Dr. Raunak Kumar Tamrakar |
Assistant Professor |
Solid State Physics, Luminescence |
13 |
4 |
S.No |
Title |
Name of organizers |
Resource Person Complete Information |
Dates |
Level (National/International) |
No of participants |
Sponsoring agency |
Amount sponsored (Rs.) |
1 |
Engineering Physics |
IIT Bombay |
08th – 18th November 2015 |
National |
14 |
2 |
Recent Advances in Theoretical and Experimental Physics and Future Perspectives of AICTE New Syllabus |
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.) |
Dr. K.K. Sugandhi Ex-Professor Department of Physics NIT, Raipur (C.G.)
Dr. Mukul Gupta Scientist UGC-DAE CSR, Indore (M.P.)
Dr. Anjali Oudhia Professor, |
30th – 31st August 2019
National |
21 |
CSVTU Bhilai Under TEQIP-III |
50,000 |
Success story not available..
Testimonials not available..