MOUs & Tie- ups
- MoU Between BIT, Durg and Brainstation for setting up the Incubation Centre
- Braintech@BIT: Incubation Centre Launched at Bhilai Institute of Technology Bhilai Institute of Technology, in collaboration with Brainstation India Foundation, has launched an incubation centre at its premises. The memorandum of understanding about the same was signed on June 7, 2021 in the presence of Dr. Arun Arora, Director, BIT, Dr. Mohan Gupta, Principal, BIT, Dr. Manisha Sharma, Vice Principal, BIT and Mr. Vikalp Dubey, CEO &Co-Founder, Brainstation India Foundation. With the aim to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among the students and create a new generation of start-ups, the Braintech@BIT Incubation Centre will offer mentoring, resources and funding to promising ideas to take them from incubation to launch of the start-ups. The centre will take projects from various industries to hone the skills of the students and offer them hands-on experience. The centre will also work with industry leaders, organisations and agencies to create a thriving community for networking and collaboration. For the last 35 years, BIT has been a pioneer in technical education in Chhattisgarh and Central India. Brainstation India Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation, aims to provide a platform to leaders to tomorrow in Tier 2 & 3 cities. It shall be nurtured by industry experts Mr. Tushar Bopche, Mr. Peeyush Agrawal, Mr. Vipin Jain, Mr. Vivek Tiwari and Mr. Vikalp Dubey having the blend of Industry experience in leadership capacity. Braintech@BIT Incubation Centre brings BIT's experience and Brainstation India Foundation's expertise together to create a new chapter of opportunities for the students in the region.
- Collaboration for European Exchange Fellowship Programme. Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
- Collaboration with Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Collaboration with Inter University Consortium, Indore(M.P.)
- Collaboration with Meterological Society of India, New Delhi
- Institute has signed MOU with various organizations such as:
- Academic, scientific and cultural cooperation with Dr. CV Raman University.
- Edgate Technologies, University programme partner of TEXAS Instruments, India.
- International Science Community Association (ISCA).
- Engineer's Circle, Bhopal
- Meridian Studies, Raipur
- D-link Academy
- EDP- Wadhavani foundations- LOS AITOS
- Collaboration to avail the research facility with
- IIT Bombay
- IISC, Bangalore
- NIT Raipur
- M. S. University, Baroda
- Sophisticated Test & Instrumentation Centre, Cochin.
- SOS Physics and Astrophysics Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur