I have been working in Bhilai Institute of Technology ,Durg since 2016 In Department of Computer Science and Engineering with total experience of 17 years in various reputed institutes
Employee ID | 10316 |
Date of Joining | 01-07-2016 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Department | Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification | Ph.D(Pursuing), M.Tech(CSE), B.E.(CSE) |
chaitali.choudhary@bitdurg.ac.in | |
Contact Number | Extension No.: 513, Global Directory No.: 8215 |
Android, Python, Machine learning
- Choudhary, C., Singh, I., & Kumar, M. (2023). SARWAS: Deep ensemble learning techniques for sentiment based recommendation system. Expert Systems with Applications, 216(December 2022), 119420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.119420
- Choudhary, C., Singh, I., & Kumar, M. (2022). Community detection algorithms for recommendation systems: techniques and metrics. Computing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-022-01131-z
- Chaitali Choudhary, Inder Singh, Soly Mathew Biju et al. SARWAS Recommendation Framework Using Deep Learning, 06 October 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2128324/v1]
- Arya, M., Motwani, A., Sar, S. K., & Choudhary, C. (2023). Ensemble Deep Learning Approach with Attention Mechanism for COVID-19 Detection and Prediction. In T. Swarnkar, S. Patnaik, P. Mitra, S. Misra, & M. Mishra (Eds.), Ambient Intelligence in Health Care (pp. 241–249). Springer Nature Singapore.
- Choudhary, C., Singh, I., & Kumar, M. (2022). A Real-Time Fault Tolerant and Scalable Recommender System Design Based on Kafka. 2022 IEEE 7th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2022, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1109/I2CT54291.2022.9825441
- Arya, M., & Choudhary, C. (2020). Improving the Efficiency of Ensemble Classifier Adaptive Random Forest with Meta Level Learning for Real-Time Data Streams. In V. Bhateja, S. C. Satapathy, Y.-D. Zhang, & V. N. M. Aradhya (Eds.), Intelligent Computing and Communication (pp. 11–21). Springer Singapore.
- K. Sowjanya, A. Singhal and C. Choudhary, "MobDBTest: A machine learning based system for predicting diabetes risk using mobile devices," 2015 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Banglore, India, 2015, pp. 397-402, doi: 10.1109/IADCC.2015.7154738.
- Bose, S., Choudhary, C., Behra, A., & Sar, S. K. (2020). An Innovative Recommender System for E-Commerce Websites using Natural Language Processing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 4085–4089. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.f7168.038620
- Ahuja, N., Choudhary, C., (2019). An Energy Efficient Multilevel Hierarchal Cache based Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 7, 1494–1502. https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2019.6256
- Rao, N., De, S., & Choudhary, C. (2017). Study of User Behaviour for Firewall Configuration. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 3(May), 387–389.
- Ahuja, N., Choudhary, C., & SInha, K. (n.d.). To Propose Novel Technique in Detecting and Isolation of Mis- Direction attack in Wireless Sensor. High Technology Letters, IX(Iii), 989–1003.
- Fole, M. D., & Choudhary, C. (2015). Finding an efficient approach for generating frequent patterns in large database. Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Eng. Technol.(IJARCET), 4(2).
- K, S., & Choudhary, C. (2015). A Review Paper on Track Diabetes using Classification Technique on an Android Application. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 3(20), 1–5.
- Akotkar, A. S., & Choudhary, C. (2014). Secure of Face Authentication using Visual Cryptography. 5, 13–15.
- Sinha, R., & Choudhary, C. (2014). Information leak detection system using fingerprint of data. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(12), 3911-3915.
- Sahu, L., & Choudhary, C. (2013). A Cooperative Approach for Understanding Behavior of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1, 24–30.
- Khanam, R., & Choudhary, C. (2013). Performance Evaluation of Average Energy Consumption in DSR Protocol. 1, 18–23.
- Rao, N. C., De, S., & Choudhary, C. (2018). Experimental analysis of improvement in firewall Traffic by deployment of Bastion Host experimental Analysis of improvement in Firewall Traffic by deployment of Bastion Host. April, 2249–7455.
- Choudhary, C., Singh, I., & Shafiq, M. (2022). Blockchain for IoT Security & Privacy: Challenges, Application Areas & Implementation Issues. In Cross-Industry Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Industry 4.0. Bentham Publisher.
- Choudhary, C., & Singh, I. (2022). Community Detection Techniques and Metrics: A State-of-the-Art Survey. CRC Press.
- Leena Sahu and Chaitali Sinha, "Review on Intrusion Detection Techniques in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" International Conference on Eco Friendly Technologies in Computer Science and Engineering For Sustainable Growth (Shaastrarth) 978-81-265-4073-0 in 8-9 February 2013.
- Ruhy Khanam and Chaitali Sinha, "Performance Comparison of DSDV and DSR"International Conference on Eco Friendly Technologies in Computer Science and Engineering For Sustainable Growth (Shaastrarth) 978-81-265-4073-0 in February 2013.
- Ruhy Khanam and Archana Chandrakar, "Analysis & Evaluation of various techniques used for enhancement of data warehouse Security" International Conference on Eco Friendly Technologies in Computer Science and Engineering For Sustainable Growth (Shaastrarth) 978-81-265-4073-0 in February 2013.
- Monika Arya, Chaitali Choudhary, "A survey on classification algorithm for real time data streams using ensemble approach" in 4ICMRP-2017 at Ahmedabad on 22nd Dec 2017
- “Designing Next Generation Recommender systems” in International Conference on "Innovation, Research and Challenges in Emerging Technologies" Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana, India
- “Blockchain for IOT Security & Privacy” in International Conference on "Innovation, Research and Challenges in Emerging Technologies" Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana, India
- “Community detection techniques and Metrics: A state of the art Survey” in International Conference on Futuristic Sustainable Energy & Technology 2021, organized by CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group).
- “An Empirical Comparison of Community Detection Techniques for Amazon Dataset” at the International Conference on Data Analytics and Computing Wenzhou-Kean University, Wenzhou, China
- Chaitali Choudhary, Anurag Singh Tomar, “Best Path Determination in Border Gateway Protocol” in National Conference E3C2010 held during 9-10feb 2010 at JDCE, Nagpur.
- Chaitali Choudhary, “Improving Network Connectivity & Testing With Network Security Legal Aspects” in National Conference on Next Generation Communication & Computing on 20 -21st march 2009 at GGITS, Jabalpur.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Aaha Ambhaikar “Network Monitoring Using Spam filtering” in National Conference TECHNOLOGIA 2009 at MPCCET, Bhilai.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Sandeep Choudhary “An efficient Routing protocol for preventing black hole attacks in MANET” in National Conference TECHNOLOGIA 2009 at MPCCET, Bhilai.
- Chaitali Choudhary, “CSMA/CD Transmission Unicast & Muiticast” in National Conference Ditech Fest 2009 held during Jan. 15-16 2009 at DIMAT Raipur.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Anurag Singh Tomar, “Best Path Determination in Border Gateway Protocol” in National ConferenceBITCON 2008 held during 7-8 2008 at BIT Durg.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Rubeena Mirza, “CSMA/CD Performance Measures” in the National Conference Technomelange-2008 held on 16th feb. 2008 at BIT Durg.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Anurag Singh tomar, “BGP Adoptability Factors” in National Conference SNCONFIC ’08 on 23rd Sep, 08 at K.S. Rangaswamy College Of Technology, Tiruchengode.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Kapil K Nagwanshi “understanding E Governance strategies, policies & objectives” in National Conference on E-governance in RCET Bhilai on 30th March 2007.
- Chaitali Choudhary, Siddharth S. Shukla, Kapil K. Nagwanshi, “Adaptive MobileApplications in Passive Network Awareness” in the National Conference (BITCON-2007) held during 16-17 March 2007 at BIT Durg.
- Monika Arya, Chaitali Choudhary, "An Ensembled based efficient classification algorithm for real time data streams- A survey" in the National conference SCITSC-2017 held on 25th November 2017 at NIT Raipur.
SCI journal:
Scopus Indexed Conference:
International Journal:
Book Chapter:
International Conferences:
National Conferences:
Name of Programme |
Duration |
Attended/ organized as a |
Organized by (Name of Institute) |
Machine Learning using Python |
5 Days |
Attended |
BIT Durg |
Python 3.4.3 |
5 Days |
Attended |
SSTC Bhilai |
Cloud computing virtualization and data science |
2 Days |
Speaker |
Bhilai Mahila Mahavidylaya |
Know how blockchain in changing your world |
1 Day |
Attended |
Baptala College of engg. |
Other Responsibilities:
Administrative Position
Major responsibility
1st July 2020
30th June 2022
Training & placement Committee (Central)
Activities related to training and placement
1st July 2016
30th June 2022
Practical exam In-charge (departmental)
Time table for practical in-charge, Bill collection, commencement of practical exam
1st July 2020
Snapshot Incharge
SPOC for Hackathon 2018 & 2022
Mentor for Smart India Hackthon
Web Site Commitee 2018 member
Teacher Guardian In-charge
Felowship/Awards/Other recognitions:
- Mentored team "Innoqube" in "Smart India Hackathon 2018"
- Mentored team “Hack@slash” in “Smart India Hackathon -2017”
- Organized event "Informals" in Ojas'18
- Organized the event “Artytyx” in Ojas'17 held on 29th-30th March.
- Taken Python two day Workshop for 1st year students on 9th and 10th Oct. 2017
- Taken Python two day workshop for C.S.E. Department Faculties on 19th-20th Sep 2017