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Mrs. Ritu Tripathi

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Ritu Tripathi

Employee ID 10347
Date of Joining 24-12-2019
Nature of Association Adhoc
Department Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Designation Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification M. Tech.(Power System Engineering), B.E. (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Contact Number Extension No. 422, Global No. 8287
Areas of Interest

Power System


    1.  Ritu Tripathi, Dr. Durga Sharma, Dr. Abhishek Verma, Dr. Anup Mishra, Dr. Supriya Tripathi, Dr. Nagendra Tripathi, “Pitch Control Strategy by Using Fuzzy-PID for Output Optimization in Wind Turbine”, Journal of  "European Chemical Bulletin", Special Issue 7.

    2. Abhishek Verma, Devendra kumar, Ritu Tripathi,  “Modelling And Analysis Of Wind Energy    System Connected With Grid And Total Harmonic Distortion Evaluation Based On Different Condition And Filter Configuration”, i-manager’s Journal on power system Engineering, Vol.8, Jan-2021.

    3. Devendra Kumar1 ,Dr. Abhishek Verma2 , Dr. Anup Mishra3 , Ritu Gautam4 , Dr. Ashish Kumar Tamrakar5 , “ An Effective Control Strategy for Pitch control of Wind Energy System Connected with Grid”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-6735, Volume 23, Issue 9, September -2021 .   

    4. Ritu Gautam, Arpan Dwivedi, “Study of Multilevel Inverters for Renewable Energy”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & MANAGEMENT, ISSN: 2277 – 5528, Impact Factor- 4.015.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    5. Ritu Gautam, Arpan Dwivedi, “Power Quality Improvement in Hybrid Renewable Energy System with Hybrid Multilevel Inverter”, Int. J. of P. & Life Sci. (Special Issue Engg. Tech.), ISSN: 0976-7126.

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