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About Faculty


Dr. (Mrs.) Anupama Huddar


Dr. (Mrs.) Anupama Huddar

Employee ID 10020
Date of Joining 20-03-1995
Nature of Association Regular
Department Electrical Engineering
Designation Professor
Educational Qualification Ph.D. (Power System Control), M. Tech. (Integrated Power System), B.E. (Electrical Engineering)
Contact Number 9525292263
Areas of Interest

Power System operation and Control

    1. A.P. Huddar& P.S. Kulkarni, “A Robust Method of tuning a decentralized PI Load Frequency controller in a deregulated environment Using Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, I.No. 37/03, pp. 265-286, March-2009.
    2. A.P. Huddar& P.S. Kulkarni, “Load frequency control of a multi area power system using linear quadratic Regulator”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (Electrical Engg.), I.No. 90, pp.28-32, June 2009.
    3. A.P. Huddar& P.S. Kulkarni, “A robust method of tuning the feedback gains of a variable structure load frequency controller using genetic algorithms”, International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, I.No. 36/12, pp. 1351- 1368, December-2008.
    4. Srishti Verma & Anupama Huddar,” Mitigation of voltage disturbances (Sag/Swell) utilizing dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)”, Research Journal of Engineering Sciences,Volume 6, Issue (8), Pages 1-7, September,26 (2017)
    5. Sujoy Chakraborty & Anupama P. Huddar, ”Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor”, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Vol 8,Issue III, pp. 758-764 March 2018.
    6. H.S.Kulat and A.P.Huddar, “Intelligent control technique for slip frequency control-based stability improvement of induction motor”, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management,  34(6), pp. 557–576, 2020.
    7. A.Jain and A.P.Huddar, “Multi-objective-based robust unit commitment using hydro-thermal-wind: a hybrid technique, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 13(4), pp. 804–827, 2019.


    1. Two-day workshop on “Recent Trends in Renewable energy” on 16-17 July 2006, at V.N.I.T, Nagpur.
    2. One Week ISTE STTP for Coordinators on Electric Power System, Under National Mission for Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India, from 1 -5 May 2017, organized by IIT, Kharagpur.
    3. AICTE Sponsored, One Week Faculty Development Program (FDP - Online) On Control Systems: Sensors Technology,11th to 15th January 2022, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur

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