Dr. Soorya Prakash Shukla
Employee ID | 10028 |
Date of Joining | 01-08-1996 |
Nature of Association | Regular |
Department | Electrical Engineering |
Designation | Professor & Head |
Educational Qualification | Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, M. Tech. (Computer Technology), B.E. (Electrical Engineering) |
sp.shukla@bitdurg.ac.in | |
Contact Number | +91- 9826185150 |
Areas of Interest
Computer Technology, Power System, Renewable energy, AI
- Presented a paper on “Fault Diagnosis of transmission lines using ANN” at GGU, Bilaspur (C.G.), 28-29 February, 2004.
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Optical Character Recognition using Neural network”, ACCST research journal, Volume 3,No.-2, April. 2005, pp. 117-120
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Modelling and Simulation approach for fertilization”, Applied science periodical, Siwan, Volume VIII, No. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 15-19
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Fault diagnosis of transmission lines using artificial neural network”, Applied science periodical, Siwan, Volume VIII, No. 2, May. 2006, pp. 105-109
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Chaotic behavior of complex system”, Applied science periodical, Siwan, Volume VIII, No. 3, August. 2006, pp. 163-169
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Harmonics in wind power systems”, Applied science periodical, Siwan, Volume IX, No. 2, MAY. 2007, pp. 129-133.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Implementation of FACTS devices for power quality improvement in transmission lines” in national level conference BITCON-2008 held at Electrical department, BIT, Durg (C.G.) during 7-8 November 2008.
- Published a paper on international journal titled “Quality and Stability Assessment of a Wind Power System”, IJERIA, Volume 2, No. VI, 2009, pp 299-310.
- Published a paper titled “A New Hybrid Interval Differential Evolution Algorithm for Global Optimization”, in International Conference on Communication, Computer and Instrumentation, Mumbai.
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Transient control Techniques in synchronous Wind turbine generators”, C.S.V.T.U., Bhilai, Volume 2, No. 1. 2009
- Presented a research paper entitled “Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor and its application on transmission system” in national level conference AICON-2009 held at CSIT, Durg (C.G.) during 6-8 February 2009.
- Published a paper on international journal titled “Measurements and Simulation for paper quality of wind farm”, IJAET, Volume 4, July- Sept. 2010
- Published a paper on international journal titled “Harmonic Emission measurements on a wind farm”, IJERS, Volume 1,Issue-1, July- Sept. 2010.
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Harmonics in wind power systems”, Applied science periodical, Siwan, Volume XII, No. 4, NOV. 2010.
- Published a paper titled “Interval based Differential Evolution approach for Combined Economic Emission Load Dispatch”, in International Journal of Reliability and Safety, Vol.5, No.(3-4), pp. 270-284
- Published a paper titled “Interval based Differential Evolution Algorithm for Combined Economic Emission Load Dispatch”, in CSVTU Research Journal (ISSN 0974-8726), Vol. 04 , No. 01 , pp.80-86.
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Wind power: Recent trends and issues”, Research journal of Engg. And Technology, Volume II, Issue 4, Oct-Dec. 2011.pp 231-235.
- Presented a research paper on “Wind power quality” in national conference AKRITI 2011, 12-13 March, organized by department of EEE, C.I.T., Rajnandgaon.
- Published a paper on national journal titled “Power Quality and stability Aspects in a wind power systems”, Applied science periodical, Siwan, Volume IXV, No. 2, MAY. 2012.
- Published a research paper entitled “A Survey of Electrocardiogram Data Capturing System using Digital Image Processing: A Review” in IJCST Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan. - March 2012
- Published a research paper entitled “FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF INDUCTION MOTOR USING PLC”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013, pp 6347-6354.
- Presented Research paper entitled “Design & Analysis of Multimode Monitoring of Electromayographics using USB interface/Human interface” in International Conference Shashtrarth’13 organized by RCET Bhilai during 7-9 March, 2013.
- Published a research paper entitled “Social Aspects of wind Power Generation- A Review” in International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engg. Vol. 09, Issue-4, pp 22-28.
- Published a research paper entitled “Recent Trends in Wind Power Generation: Indian Scenario” in (IJAET), International Journal of Advance Engineering Technology, Vol- V, Issue-111, pp 37-41.
- Published a research paper entitled “Economic Aspects of Wind Power Generation” in (IJAERD), International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research Development., Vol.-I, Issue-8, pp 155-161.
- Published a research paper entitled “Goniometer based measurement of human joint movement using Labview” in (IJDACR), International Journal of Digital Application & Contemporary Research, Vol.-III, Issue-II, pp 1-5. ISSN: 2319-4863.
- Published a research paper entitled “A Review of Transformer Protection by Using PLC System” in (IJDACR), International Journal of Digital Application & Contemporary Research, Vol.-III, Issue-II, pp 1-5. ISSN: 2319-4863. Website: www.ijdacr.com (Volume 3, Issue 2, September 2014).
- Published a research paper entitled “Clustering and classification of cancer data using soft computing technique” in (IOSR), International Organization of Scientific Research, Vol. 16, Issue-1, January, 2014.
- Published a research paper entitled “Unsupervised Clustering classify the cancer data with the help of FCM algorithm” in (IOSR), International Organization of Scientific Research, Vol. 16, Issue-1, January, 2014
- Published a research paper entitled “Design & Analysis of Multimode Monitoring of Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Electromyography (EMG) Signals with USB interface or Human Computer Interaction System” in IJSR Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014.
- Published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of wind Turbine and it’s Economic Aspects” in (IJSRSET) International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering, Vol-1, Issue-4, pp 16-20.
- Published a paper titled “Development Trends in Wind Energy Conversion System: A Review”, (IJRITCC) International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol.- 3, Issue-7, pp 4885-4888.
- Published a paper titled “Site Selection for Wind Farm Installation”, (IJIREEICE) International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering , Vol.- 3, Issue-8, pp 59-61.
- Published a paper titled “Power Quality Aspects of Wind Power Systems”, International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Vol-2, Issue-2, pp 72-75.
- Presented a research paper in National conference “BITCON 2015” organized by Electrical Engg. Deptt, B.I.T. Durg.
- Published a research paper on “A survey on ECG signal feature extraction and analysis techniques” in IJIREEICE, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2015, ISSN-2321-5526.
- Presented a paper titled “ECG Arrhythmia Classification using Discrete Wavelet Transform and ANN”, in International Conference organized by SVCE, Bengaluru, on 20-21 May 2016.
- Published a research paper entitled “Wind energy generation integrated to grid system: Power Quality Issues” in International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR), Volume 5, Issue 1, January, 2016.
- Published a paper titled "PCG Signal Analysis using Discrete Wavelet Transform" in International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume 8.
- Published a paper titled "Simulation Model of a Matrix Converter using Indirect Transfer" in International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume 8.
- Published a paper titled "An Optimized Feature Selection Approach for Cloud Intrusion Detection using MultiLabel Classification", Volume 5.
- Published a paper titled "Microgrid and its current status in India: a review" in Research Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 7.
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Other Info.
Other Responsibilities:
Felowship/Awards/Other recognitions: