
Department Convener Organizing Secretary Number of Papers Received Number of Papers Registered
Applied Physics Dr.(Mrs) Ruby Das Dr. Samit Tiwari 20 10
Applied Chemistry Dr. Santosh Sar Dr. Sumita Nair 14 14
Computer Science and Engineering Dr. (Mrs.) M. V. Padmavati Prof. Shankha De 36 28
Electrical Engineering Dr(Mrs) A.P Huddar Dr(Mrs) Supriya Tripathi 25 25
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dr. Anup Mishra Dr. (Mrs.) Surekha Bhusnur 11 11
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Dr. Naveen Kumar Dewangan Mr. R. M. Potdar & Mrs. Swati Agrawal 38 33
Humanities Dr Anjana Sekhar Dr Swarnita Sharma 06 06
Information Technology Dr. (Mrs.) Ani Thomas Mrs. Babita Verma 17 15
Applied Mathematics Dr. Sanjay Sharma Dr. Nirmal Kumar Singh 21 21
Management Dr. (Mrs) Urvashi Shrivastava Dr. Minal Shah 27 20
Computer Applications Dr. Sanjeev Karmakar Prof. B Varghese 13 09
Mechanical Engineering Dr. (Mrs) Shiena Shekhar Dr. Devesh Shrivastava 41 41
Civil Engineering Dr. S. K. Jaiswal Mrs. Mallika Jain 38 32


Department Name: Applied Physics
Theme: New Horizons in Advanced Materials Development and Their characterization to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr.(Mrs) Ruby Das
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Samit Tiwari
Number of Papers Received: 20
Number of Papers Registered: 10

Summary : In BITCON 2020 of Applied Physics department, the virtual conference started with the "Saraswati Vandana" and inaugural speech of Dr. Mohan Gupta Principal B.I.T. Durg . The conference was divided into 4 sessions . In the first session, the keynote speaker was Dr Amreesh Chandra, Professor IIT Kharagpur who shared the broad view about the" supercapcitor and applications". The first invited speaker, Dr. Narendra kumar Pandey, Professor University of Lucknow shared his research based on "Humidity sensors". The second invited speaker Dr. Madhvendra Nath Tripathi, Associate professor GGU Bilaspur, shared about, "The next generation flexible halide and nitride photovolataic materials for green future". The session chair for first two sessios was Dr. Rama Shankar Singh, Professor Govt Sc. College Durg, concluded the sessions, time for each session here was 1 hr 15 min. For third and fourth session was chaired and concluded by Dr.(Mrs) Ruy Das Professor B.I.T. Durg. Time for third session was of 1 hr. and two papers were presented . In fourth session Paper submitted were 15 out of which 5 full length paper were submitted and 7 papers were presented. In this session time for each presentation was of 15 minutes. New hope of research was seen during the presentation here in the present scenario. Conference was successful with the support of, Central organizing committee BITCON 2020, and all the members of the physics department


Department Name: Applied Chemistry
Theme: Modern Trends in Environmental Chemistry to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr. Santosh Sar
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Sumita Nair
Number of Papers Received: 14
Number of Papers Registered: 14

Summary : BITCON 2020 in Applied chemistry was conducted on 20.11.2020 on Online mode (Google meet platform) with central theme "New horizons in Science, Engineering and Management to Combat Current Challenges" and departmental theme "Modern Trends in Environmental Chemistry to Combat Current Challenges." The sub theme of the conference were Air, Water & Soil pollution, Bioremediation of Toxic Metals, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Environmental Sustainability, Pollution Control Processes, Green industrial processes, Nanotechnology, Solid waste management, Surface Chemistry. The session was conducted in four technical sessions. The program started with saraswati vandana followed by unveiling of proceedings. The Head of the department presented the welcome address and Respected Principal Sir extended best wishes for the One day National Conference. The key note speaker for Technical Session I was Dr. Prashant K. Shrivastava, Asstt. Professor and Dean (Student welfare) Hemchand Yadav University, Durg. The Invited speaker for the second technical session was Dr. Anupama Asthana, Professor and Head Department of Chemistry, Govt. V. Y. T. P. G. Autono,ous Science College, Durg, and Speaker for technical session III was Dr. Kamlesh Shrivas, Associate Professor, Pt. R. S. S. S. University, Raipur, C. G. 14 papers were presented by participants and total 24 participants attended the online conference. The Vote of Thanks was presented by Dr. Madhurima Pandey, Professor, Applied chemistry, B. I. T. Durg. E certificate were send through mail to Invited speakers and participants.

Computer Science

Department Name: Computer Science and Engineering
Theme: Innovations in Computation, Communication, Cybernetics and to Combat Current Challenges (I6C) 2020.
Convener: Dr. (Mrs.) M. V. Padmavati
Organizing Secretary: Prof. Shankha De
Number of Papers Received: 36
Number of Papers Registered: 28

Summary : Online national conference on "Innovations in Computation, Communication, Cybernetics and to Combat Current Challenges (I6C) 2020" was organized in Computer Science and Engineering Department of BIT, Durg on 20th November 2020. Total 36 papers are received from different institutions across the country. Faculty members, people from industry, research scholars, PG and UG students participated in the conference. All the papers are reviewed by the review committee of the department and some selected paper will be sent to Scopus indexed journal. Some papers are sent to ISCA journals. All papers are checked for plagiarism. The participants submitted plagiarism report along with the paper. The conference was organized in Gmeet and has been streamed in Youtube through StreamYard. The program started with Goddess Swaraswati Vandana. After that, welcome speech and conference report was given by Organizing Secretary Prof. Shankha De. Convener Dr. M. V. Padmavati explains the significance of the conference. Dr. M. K. Gupta, Principal of BIT, Durg addressed the conference. This one day conference was divided into 4 technical sessions. Dr. Partha Pratim Roy, Associate Professor CSE Dept, IIT Roorkee gave his expert talk on "Progress and Challenges of Indic Handwriting" on first technical session. Dr. Pradeep Singh, Asst. Prof and Head, CSE Dept, NIT Raipur was session the chair of second technical session where papers were presented by the participants. Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani , Asst. Professor gave his expert talk on "The Need for Speed in Home Broadband Internet" in technical session 3 and chaired the Technical session four. We have conducted a parallel sessions in the second half participants in order to complete the presentation of papers. The conference was concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Sumit Sar.


Department Name: Electrical Engineering
Theme: New Horizons in Electrical Engineering to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr(Mrs) A.P Huddar
Organizing Secretary: Dr(Mrs) Supriya Tripathi
Number of Papers Received: 25
Number of Papers Registered: 25

Summary : The Conference was organized online on 20th November 2020 with Google Meet. It was also made Live in You Tube using Stream Yard. The Conference has total four technical sessions in which two sessions were dedicated for expert lecture and two sessions for the paper presentation by the participants. The paper presentation session was – monitored by session chairs who were senior faculty member from reputed engineering college. Three participants were from other state.

Electrical and Electronics

Department Name: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Theme: New Horizons in Electrical and Electronics Engineering to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr. Anup Mishra
Organizing Secretary: Dr. (Mrs.) Surekha Bhusnur
Number of Papers Received: 11
Number of Papers Registered: 11

Summary : On 20th November 2020, a National conference on the theme, "New Horizons in Electrical and Electronics Engineering to Combat Current Challenges" was conducted by EEE department BIT, Durg in the online mode owing to pandemic COVID-19. The inaugural function started at 10.10 AM, to mark the beginning of the event Dr. Anup Mishra, convener, professor and Head, offered prayers to Goddess Saraswati and lit the sacred lamp. This was followed by welcome address by the head of the department and a motivational video message by Dr. Mohan Gupta, Principal BIT, Durg. There after the e-proceedings of the conference were unveiled by the Head of the department. Eleven papers were contributed from postgraduate, undergraduate and research scholars. The conference was organized in 4 sessions, two keynote and two paper presentation sessions. In the first session, Mrs. Naushin Anjum introduced the speaker to the gathering, keynote address was delivered by Dr. Anamika Yadav, Asso. Professor, NIT Raipur on the topic, "AI-based Fault Diagnosis and Fault Classification in Smart Grid System", she also chaired the paper presentation session. Five papers were presented during session 2. In the third session, Mrs. Alka Mishra introduced the speaker to the participants. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Debanjan Das, Astt. Professor, IIIT, Naya Raipur on the topic, "Distinguishing Cancer Cells from Normal Cells: Electrical Point of View". He also was the session chair for the paper presentation session. Five papers were presented by the participants in session 4. To conclude Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Surekha Bhusnur, organizing secretary of BITCON 2020, EEE. Mr. Brahma Nand Thakur, Mrs. Ritu Tripathi and all faculty members contributed in making arrangements towards successful organization of the event.

Electronics & Telecommunication

Department Name: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Theme: New Horizons in Electronics Engineering to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr. Naveen Kumar Dewangan
Organizing Secretary: Mr. R. M. Potdar & Mrs. Swati Agrawal
Number of Papers Received: 38
Number of Papers Registered: 33

Summary : BITCON 2020 was held online due to covid-19 pandemic situations in the state. Inaugural function of the conference started with Sarasvati Vandana and lamp lighting ceremony then Dr. M. K. Gupta Principal, BIT, Durg addressed the audience followed by Vice Principal Dr. Manisha Sharma Madam address. Dr. Naveen Kumar Dewangan, HOD, addressed the audience by introducing the department, its achievements and stated brief report of the BITCON. In the first session keynote speech was delivered by Mr. Puneet Mishra, Scientist in ISRO, on "Space Antenna System" and after that first technical session began, the chairperson for the morning session was Prof. Yogesh Bahendwar, Asso. Prof. of SB Patil Engg College Pune. In the second afternoon session the Keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Avishek Adhikary Professor from IIT Bhilai on "Emergence of Fractional Calculus in Electronics and Controls: The New Horizon?" and after that second technical session began, chairperson for the afternoon session was Mr. Abhishek Singh, Scientific Officer from Deptartment of Automic Energy Government of India, Kolkata.


Department Name: Humanities
Convener: Dr Anjana Sekhar
Organizing Secretary: Dr Swarnita Sharma
Number of Papers Received: 6
Number of Papers Registered: 6

Summary : BITCON 2020 organised by Department of Humanities on the topic "Role of Humanities in Handling Real-Time Challenges", on 20 November, 2020. Received 6 Full-length research papers. The focus area was handling the adverse psychological effect during pandemic and other situations by developing pedagogy with technology and Ethical Involvement. Dr Abhitabh Dubey, (Chief Guest) Prof Manish Shrivastava (Keynote Speaker) and Dr Madhu Kamra Spoke on how humanities have been a source of motivation and solutions for challenges like Covid Pandemic. Dr Yeddu Vijaya Babu (Session Chair Technical session -I) and Dr Ashish Sharma (Session Chair Technical session -II) spoke on the ethical mode of handling situation. The other participants in talked about difficulties in learning and their solution as Yoga, Improvement in methodologies of teaching, digital pedagogies, etc

Information Technology

Department Name: Information Technology
Theme: Novel approaches in Computational Intelligence and Intelligent systems
Convener: Dr. (Mrs.) Ani Thomas
Organizing Secretary: Mrs. Babita Verma (Assistant Professor, Deptt. of I.T.)
Number of Papers Received: 17
Number of Papers Registered: 15

Summary : Department of InformationTechnology, Bhilai Institute of Technolgy, Durg organized a National Conference on "Novel approaches in Computational Intelligence and Intelligent systems", BITCON'20 on 20th November 2020. In this conference, 3 keynote sessions and 4 technical sessions were conducted. The first keynote speaker Mr. Sanjay Biswas GLOBAL Head SAP CLOUD , HCL Technologies and session chair of 1st technical session gave an insight on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent systems – Global Market Trends. The second keynote speaker Mr. Deepak Bhatnagar Oracle Corporation Director, Applications Performance, Oracle India ,Hyderabad and session chair of 1st and 2nd technical session gave an insight on Industrial Applications of Computational Intelligence. In the afternoon session Dr. Aakanksha Sharaff , Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Raipur as a keynote speaker talked about "Information Retrieval". She also chaired the technical session 3 & 4 gave knowledgeable insight and motivated participants with her expertise. About 30 delegates participated and about 20 papers were submitted and presented in this conference by researchers From various Colleges across the Nation such as Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Hyderabad. Recent topics like predictive analytics on E-Commerce Data, Web Mining, NLP, sentimental analysis, Semi-supervisedLearning,Block chain technology, AI and many more were discussed. Almost all areas of IT technologieswere covered in this one-day Conference.Very high-quality papers and knowledge driven presentations were portrayed by keynote speakers, delegates and participants making the conference BITCON'20 a grand success. The Conference was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. Ani Thomas, HOD (Deptt. Of IT), Dr. Jyothi Pillai and Mrs. Babita Verma, Organizing Secretary, BITCON'20. Shri I. P.Mishra, Hony Secy. BIT and Dr. Mohan Gupta, Principal, BIT, Durg, congratulated the efforts of the Department.


Department Name: Applied Mathematics
Theme: Exploring New Horizons of Mathematics in Context of Current Challenges
Convener: Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Nirmal Kumar Singh
Number of Papers Received: 21
Number of Papers Registered: 21

Summary : This report is based on a conference–BITCON-2020 "Exploring New Horizons of Mathematics in context of Current Challenges" organized by Department of Mathematics on 20th November 2020. The conference was convened by Dr. Sanjay Sharma and organized by Dr. Nirmal Singh. We would like to especially thank the invited speakers: Dr. Dharmendra Tripathi, Associate Professor and Dean, Dept. of Mathematics, NIT Srinagar, Uttarakhand, Dr. Hemant Kumar Nashine, Professor, Vallore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Dr. Manjusha P. Gandhi, Head of Dept. of applied Mathematics, Yashwant Rao Chouhan, College of Engineering, Nagpur, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Associate Professor, Dept of Mathematical Sciences, IIT, Varansi, as well as the nearly 30 people who participated in the intensive one days of discussions. 21 research papers of high quality are selected for publication in the Proceedings.


Department Name: Management
Theme: Management & Economic Challenges in India – Before, During & After the Pandemic.
Convener: Dr. (Mrs) Urvashi Shrivastava
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Minal Shah
Number of Papers Received: 27
Number of Papers Registered: 20

Summary : National Conference, BITCON 2020 ENTITLED- MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGES IN INDIA – BEFORE, AFTER AND DURING THE PANDEMIC, was organized by department of Management, BIT Durg. The program started with the, auspicious virtual Saraswati Vandana. This crisis demonstrates that governments and individuals are capable of strong and rapid action in the face of an overarching challenge. As India looks to shore up its economy, it is worth reflecting on the other systemic actions that are needed to shift towards a more sustainable and resilient economy. BITCON 2020 organized by dept of mgmt. aimed to cover certain issues like: What is the magnitude of the impact of the crisis on Indian economy – is it shallow or deep, and the scope to rebound, particularly India's exports; secondly, India's immediate challenges in managing the recovery; thirdly, the longer-term structural challenges of the Indian economy, and various other issues related to Covid 19 , its impact and opportunity for Indian Economy. Organizing secretary Dr. Minal Shah, delivered the welcome address. Dr. Urvashi shrivastava, Head dept of Management and Convener BITCON 2020, Department of Management, addressed the gathering. Sir Dr. Mohan Gupta, Principal BIT Durg, shared his valuable insights. Dr. Uma V. P. Shrivastava, Professor, Delhi school of Professional Studies and Research and keynote speaker and session chair, for BITCON 2020, department of management, addressed the gathering and spoke on issues related to the life of domestic help amid covid where they not only lost their jobs, but also failed to receive medical aid. The data presented, dealt with their financial and emotional turmoil. Sir Dr. Prince Dubey, Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Management, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar-Pradesh and session chair for BITCON 2020, department of management, shared his insights on pandemic. According to him, this crisis can be used as an opportunity if we come up with unique and innovative ideas. He also discussed about the challenges, the country is facing – Psychological challenges like deteriorating mental health, technological challenges like connectivity problems, economic challenges like, rise in GST, etc. In Total 10 participants across various nukes and corners of the nation, succeeded in making their online presentation on topics like Sustainability of E-Learning - Post Covid -19 education crisis in India, Covid 19 Outbreaks on the Growth of Self Servicing Technology Using Digital Payments, Digital Technology in SMES: Issues and Challanges Post Covid-19 etc. The program came to an end with the formal proposal of vote of thanks by Dr. Ashok Kumar Chandra. The program came to an end on a happy note from everyone. All the sessions were very informative. The discussed areas are of great benefit for the participants as the topics match with the current working domain. The participants became aware of the recent trends and critical issues pertaining to Pandemic. The conference was hosted by Mrs. Samriddhi Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Management.

Computer Applications

Department Name: Computer Applications
Theme: Recent Computer Applications for Socio-Economic Development of the Nation
Convener: Dr. Sanjeev Karmakar
Organizing Secretary: Prof. B Varghese
Number of Papers Received: 13
Number of Papers Registered: 09

Summary : BITCON 2020 was inaugurated by worshipping Goddess Saraswati followed by inaugural speech given by Principal Dr. Mohan Gupta, followed by Conference Introduction given by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (HOD, CA). Similarly Dr. Sanjeev Karmakar, Convener BITCON20 had given the conference details. After that, Technical Session 1 was started and invited talk was given by Dr. Durga Prasad Mohapatra, Deptt. Of CSE, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha on the topic "MC/DC Testing of Safety Critical Applications" followed by three research papers were presented by research scholars. In Technical Session 2, the invited talk was given by the Dr. Ashish Khare, Deptt. ETC University of Allahabad, UP, on the topic "AI based techniques for Image Forensics" followed by three research papers were presented by research scholars. In Technical Session 3, the invited talk was given by Dr. G. R. Biswal, HOD, Department of EEE, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Odisha on the topic "Role of Cyber physical System in Advanced Micro-Grid, Operation and Control" and followed by three research papers were presented by research scholars. At last on successful completion of keynote speech and presentation by research scholars valedictory program was conducted and e certificate distributed. At the end vote of thanks was given by organizing secretary Prof B Varghese.


Department Name: Civil Engineering
Theme: New horizons in Civil Engineering to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr. S. K. Jaiswal
Organizing Secretary: Mrs. Mallika Jain
Number of Papers Received: 38
Number of Papers Registered: 32

Summary : Online national conference on "New horizons in Civil Engineering to Combat Current Challenges" was organized in Civil Engineering Department of BIT, Durg on 20th November 2020. Total 38 papers were received from different institutions across the country. Faculty members, people from industry, Research scholars, PG and UG students participated in the conference. All the papers are reviewed by the review committee of the department and some selected paper will be sent to Scopus indexed journal. Some papers are sent to ISCA journals. All papers are checked for plagiarism. The participants submitted plagiarism report along with the paper. The conference was organized in G-meet and has been streamed in Youtube through StreamYard. The program started with Goddess Swaraswati Vandana. After that, welcome speech and conference report was given by Organizing Secretary Prof. Mallika Jain. Convener Dr. S K Jaiswal explains the significance of the conference. Dr. M. K. Gupta, Principal of BIT, Durg addressed the conference. This one day conference was divided into 2 technical sessions. Dr. G.D. Ramtekkar, Professor & Head, NIT, Raipur, was keynote speaker gave his expert talk on "Seismic Effects on Buildings and Retrofitting Techniques" on first technical session. Dr. Samir Bajpai, Professor, NIT, Raipur gave his expert talk on "Environmental Impact Assessment" in technical first session. Dr. Mudgal, Principal Scientist & Section Head, CSIR, Bhopal has given expert lecture on "Innovative Advanced(Cement Free) Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete for Infrastructure" was keynote speaker of second technical session.The conference was concluded with vote of thanks by Prof. Mallika Jain, CIVIL Department.


Department Name: Mechanical Engineering
Theme: New Horizons in Mechanical Engineering to Combat Current Challenges
Convener: Dr. (Mrs) Shiena Shekhar
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Devesh Shrivastava
Number of Papers Received: 41
Number of Papers Registered: 41

Summary : The Department of Mechanical engineering BIT Durg organized a National Conference on 20th November 2020. The participants were Research Scholars, PG Students and UG Students and 56 of them attended and participated in the conference from various colleges. BITCON2020 was conducted on Google Meet and YouTube platform under the guidance of Dr. Shiena Shekhar (HOD and Convener of National Conference ) The conference was divided into four sessions. The aim of the Conference was to develop sustainability through new technologies and techniques, and respond to the global environmental pressures brought about by economic growth. The event started with registration of the participants from 9.30am.This was followed by Saraswati Vandana at 10.00am and welcome Speech along with report of Mechanical Department by Dr. Shiena Shekhar (HOD -Mechanical). The first Technical session was presented by the keynote speaker Dr. N Ganesh Kumar, Associate Professor, PSG College of Technology,Coimbotore on "A Roadmap towards Implementing Industry 4.0" In the second Technical session, the Chairperson and Session in charge were Dr. I A Palani , Associate Professor, IIT Indore and Dr. Shubhrata Nagpal, Professor, Mechanical Engineering BIT,Durg respectively. This session was presented by the participants from various colleges. After the Participants presented their technical papers, Session Chair Dr. I A Palani summarized the session about the talks of keynote speaker as well as the participant In the third Technical session the keynote speaker was Dr. G K Agrawal, Professor and HOD,Mechanical Engineering,Goverment Engineering College, Bilaspur on "Some good aspects of technical writing". Technical Session 4 was once again about paper session where students presented about their research paper. The Session Chair was Dr. S P S Matharu ,Professor ,Mechanical Engineering, NIT Raipur and Session Incharge was Dr. Mukesh Dubey, Professor ,Mechanical Engineering, BIT,Durg. After the Participants presented their technical papers, Session chair Dr. S P S Matharu summarized the session about the talks of keynote speaker as well as the participants. The event ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Mukesh Dubey. The event winded-up at 4.30pm